Chapter 2

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As Genji and I continued talking , the jet landed and we all got off. When we all got inside and angel mummy showed me around, until we sat with all the Overwatch agents. “Hello guys!”, Angela said. “This is my daughter (Y/N), and i wanted you all to meet her!.”, Angela said. “Awwww, she’s adorable.”, Hana exclaimed. You smiled at this comment. “But, I have called everyone here because we’re one big family. And I was wondering if anyone would being willing to help out with her, or if you want to be like a sibling or uncle.”, Angela said. Hana was the first to talk “I’ll be her sister!.” Then, Lucio, “I could be her brother!” After everyone had been given a special role, Angela showed you to your room.

Your room was right across from her’s, it was very bland. Maybe even to bland. With no furniture, or anything. “I know it’s boring so I thought you could sleep with someone and tomorrow we can go get fun stuff for your room. Okay?” Angela asked. You nodded your head. “So who would you like to sleep with?”, She asked. You thought. “Green robot guy or Pink robot girl!”, You exclaimed. Angela chuckled. “Green robot man is Genji, and Pink Robot girl is Hana.”, Mercy explained. You nodded. “Well, let’s go ask them if you could sleep with them.” Angela said. You held Angela’s hand and walked to a room with a pink door and gold star saying D.VA. “This is Hana’s room.” She knocked on the door but Hana shouted back, “I’M IN A GAME COME BACK LATER.” And Angela looked down at you and said, “Let’s go see Genji.” As you were walking to Genji’s room you were thinking about him, you liked him. You stopped walking and Angela knocked on the door, this one being normal compared to Hana’s. Genji opened the door and smiled. (A/N )Can we just pretend that he’s wearing his young Genji skin, and instead of robot man you call him carrot? Really! Thanks!!) “Hi Angela and Y/N, what brings you here?”, Genji asked. “Well, Y/N’s room doesn’t have a bed yet and she wanted to sleep with you.”, Angela said to Genji. “Sure, Y/N can sleep with me, come on in!”, Genji said happily. You walked in his very neat room. “Thank you soo much Genji! And good night sweetie!”, she says and kisses your forehead. “Night Mommy, see you tomorrow.”, you said. Angela left as Genji brought you to his bed. (God this sounds dirty but trust me, no deep love, you’re two) “Okay Y/N you sleep on this side.”, he points to the left side of the bed. (lol i don’t know why i added this but ehh) You got in Genji’s bed and under the incredibly soft green blanket. You fell asleep quickly, but were awakened to a smell, no not just a smell, the best smell ever. You got curious so you looked at the sleeping Genji and snuck out of his room to find this amazing smell. You ended up in the kitchen and Grandma Ana was there. “Oh, Well Hello there Y/N. Did you need anything?”, she asked kindly. You nodded and said you needed a drink, since you were thirsty. You would later find out this suspicious smell. Ana got you some water in a f/c sippy cup and handed it to you. You thanked her and sat down with the cup. You sniffed a really big sniff, which was also very, very loud. Ana looked at you and smiled. “Those darling are my cookies for tomorrow. You smiled and nodded. You finished your water, “Goodnight Grandma!”, you said. You walked back to Genji’s room but got lost.

~~~~~~~~~Genji’s POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up and turned over to check on Y/N, but she wasn’t there. I rubbed my eyes just to make sure i was seeing things right, and I was.I got out of my bed and out into the hall. I looked down to the right of the hall and Y/N wasn’t there. So i walked down the left and to the kitchen. I could see Ana there there cooking (gttttttt bbbbbbbbb0pppppp, lol my cat did this). “Hey Ana.”, I said. “Hi there Genji, what brings you out here.”, Ana asked. “Have you seen Y/N?”, I asked. “Oh, yes I have, she just left here.”, Ana said.
“She went  down the hallway where Hana and Lucio’s rooms our.”, Ana said. “Oh thank you Ana.”, I said. I walked down “The Cool Hallway” as Hana and Lucio say. I see Hana’s door and knock, and for once she answers almost instantly. As she opens the door you see a huge smile on her face. “OH MY GOSH HAI GENJI!!”, Hana screamed. “Um, Hi Hana? Why are you screaming?”, I asked. “Oh, I really don’t know.”, Hana said. (ffffffffffffffvdcyyyyyyy---------p0------------------------------ my cat came back) “Alright, have you seen Y/N anywhere?”, I asked. “No sorry. Wait, DID YOU LOSE HER???”, Hana screamed loudly. “Hana, shh, we don’t to wake anyone up.”, I said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Your POV~~~~~~~~~~~

You sat on the floor discouraged, you’re lost in a huge building. Then you heard someone scream and then a shhh. You got up, and walked down the hallway to where you heard the scream. You then saw a pink door with a star on it. You had a smile on your face as you lightly knock on Hana’s door. Shortly after Hana opened the door. “Y/N!!”, Genji said happily. “CARROT!!”, you screamed. Both Hana and Genji chuckled. ‘Come on Y/N let’s go back to bed.”, Genji said. You said bye to Hana and held genji’s hand and walked back to his room. You got back under his covers and looked at all of Genji’s figures. They were all anime figures and most of them were girls, but there were a few boys.But your eyes stumbled upon a place on the wall with a bunch of pictures. You thought, ‘Maybe I should draw him a picture.’ You then fall asleep under the warmth of genji’s blanket.


Hope you enjoyed Part 2 sorry it took so long. I was trying to finish it last night and I fell asleep on my laptop and there were like 200 pages of nothing. Lol  (1094 words)  :3

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