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Some of these may have been already used. Sorry ): And I had to come up with a lot of these xD

57: How do you get a trombone to sound like a french horn? Stick your hand in the bell and mess up all the notes.

58: What's the difference in between a Conductor and a French Horn? Two Measures.

59: What do you get when you cross a french horn player and a goalpost? a goalpost that can't march.

60 : How do you get a trumpet to sound beautiful? Sell it and buy a french horn

61 : How do you know when a French horn player is better off a trumpet player? When they own their own Mellophone.

62 : Why do some French Horn's switch to woodwinds instead of Mellophone? They can't stand playing a bigger trumpet.

63 :  How do you get a trumpet to sound like a french horn? Sit back and don't play.

64: Why shouldn't a french horn take up mountaineering? If they got lost, it would take forever for someone to notice.

65 : Reasons to play french horn : Trumpets suck

66 : The PLO has taken 90 french horns hostage. If their demands aren't met, they'll release one every hour.

67 :  What's the definition of a perfect pitch? When you throw a french horn out and it hits a trumpet.

68 : There was a house of un-cliche brass players. There was a trumpet, a trombone, and a french horn. The trumpet wasn't cocky, the trombone was intelligent, and the french horn liked mellophone better. (Based of my family >.<)

69 : how many Mellophones does it take to change a lightbulb? Just one, but it takes forever to decide who does it.

70 : How do horn players traditionally greet each other?

       1. "Hi. I played that last year."
       2. "Hi. I did that piece in junior high."

71 :A priest and a horn player reach the gates of Heaven. The horn player is admitted, while the priest is not. "Why?" asks the bewildered priest. "When you preach, everybody falls asleep, whereas when the horn player is due, everybody prays!" 

72 : What is the difference between a french horn and a chevy '57? You can tune the chevy.

73 : A trumpet and a percussionist get in a fight. They were arguing who had the hardest instrument. The percussionist had many instruments ot play, and those strange rhythms. The trumpet has those triple C's. Then the french horn comes and saids "You guys have nothing compared to me! I have to play bass clef, treble clef, whatever weird clef trumpets play, and tuning is a pain in the a**!"

74 : A french horn misses a day of practice, and a trumpet asked why. "Because I can get a gig,"

75 : There were four french horns in a sixth grade band class. The two best ones were constantly harassed by other band members because they always said that french horns were better instruments. Those french horns were the ones who got accepted to all the senior bands.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2014 ⏰

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