Chapter 3

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The team regrouped at the boat shed.

"Anything?" Callen asked.

"Nothing at work that would've gotten him killed or kidnapped. Unless you're mad at a good employee." Deeks said.

"His house was searched. Forensics are going through it now. We should have something by morning." Callen said.

"Let's hit the sac for the night. Sleep it over and check back bright and early." Sam said. Deeks groaned. Everyone laughed.

Deeks walks over to Alexa and makes a puppy dog face."Wide home Pwease?"

"Ugh fine." Alexa replies and pets his head.

"I told you not to tell him where you live." Callen said.

"Well goodnight guys!"Kensi laughs and leaves.

"Night everyone." Sam says and looks at Callen.

"Goodnight then." Callen says looking at Alexa.

"Nighty night!" Alexa smiles and kisses him on the cheek. He smiles and walks out Sam follows shaking his head.

"So my place or yours?" Deeks says winking at Alexa.

"You are going home!" Alexa exclaims.

"Fine." He says grudgingly. He smiled after he realizes Alexa was just saying that incase anyone heard. Then he pushes her out the door."Homeward, my friend."

She laughs. He grabs her hand as they walk to the car.




"What's with that face G?" Sam asked as they drove.

"Huh?" Callen replied.

"You jealous still?" Sam laughed.

"I'm not jealous!" Callen exclaimed.

"Hey don't worry it's just Deeks." Sam said, patting his friend on the shoulder. "She's way out of his league."

"I know." Callen smiled.

"She's out of you're league, your welcome by the way." Sam winked at Callen.

"Really, you still think you're the reason were together?" Callen laughed.

"If we didn't take you guys out to dinner..." Sam said.

"You mean if I didn't invite her?" Callen interrupted.

"You wouldn't have been able to invite her if I didn't ask you to go!" Sam clarified.

"Fine, you're right." Callen said. It was easier to agree with Sam then to argue more.

They pull up to Callen's house.

"See you Tomorrow." Callen said and got out of the car.

"Later G." Sam said. He watched Callen get into his house then drove away.



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