Chapter 11

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Callen walks back from talking to Hetty and sees Sam and Alexa walking into the bullpen.

"Did you guys go pee together?" He asks.

"No, were we supposed to?" Alexa counters, Sam smiles.

"Oooooooo oh no she didn't." Deeks laughs. Kensi playfully smacks him."Owwww."

"Ha." Alexa says. Callen grabs her hand.

"Beer anyone?" He asks.

"I'm in." Deeks says.

"Me too." Kensi joins.

"I could use more then beer, but why not." Sam says.

"Count us in too." Nell and Eric say coming down the stairs.

"Alright let's go." Callen says. They all walk out to their cars and drive to the bar.




"I thinks it's time for you to go home kensilina." Deeks says holding her up.

"But I'm having fun?" She pouts but allows herself to be dragged out of the bar.

"Wow." Sam says. "I should probably get home too. Michelle." He gets up.

"Bye Sam." Callen says patting his friend on the back.

"Later big brother." Alexa says and hugs Sam. Sam smiles and walks out.

"And then there were nerds." Alexa says pointing to Eric and Nell. Callen laughs and grabs her hand.

"Wanna go?" He asks.

"Please before they do something I can't get out of my head." Alexa laughs and they leave.

"Where did everyone go?" Eric yells into Nell's ear.

"Who cares?" She says and continues to dance. Eric shrugs and dances more.




Kensi and Deeks pull up to her apartment. Deeks basically carries her all the and plops her in her bed. She's starting to sober up now.

"Kens." Deeks says.

"Yes Deeks?" She mumbles, Sitting up.

"I think I have feelings for you." He says.

"..." She looks at him.

"I like you a lot." He continues.

She grabs his face and her lips smash into his. They fall back into the bed. Deeks smiles.

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