Chapter 7

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"So cause of death is a gunshot wound to the back of the head. Execution style." Deeks says over the phone to Callen, Alexa, and Sam.

"Ok so a professional hit." Callen states.

"Assassin?" Deeks asks.

"Maybe." Callen replies."but why?"

"Isn't that the age old question mr. Callen." Hetty replies from the ops phone.

"Yes" Deeks replies.

"Well get to it then." Hetty says and hangs up.

"Alright, meet us at Davis's house. We have to go through this again." Callen sad then hangs up.

Callen, Alexa, and Sam walk to the car and drive to Davis's house.

Kensi and Deeks leave the coroners office and head to Davis's house as well.




Kensi and Deeks were already inside the house when Callen, Alexa, and Sam arrived.

"What are we looking for?" Kensi as Deeks ask when they walk in.

"I'll let you know when we find it." Callen replies and starts going through Davis's desk. Sam goes through the bedroom, Kensi checks the bathrooms and kitchen, Deeks checks the master bedroom, and Alexa checks the backyard and living room area.




"Nice house isn't it?" Deeks says opening the door from the master bedroom that goes to the backyard.

"Yea I guess." Alexa says riffling through a box.

"Locks on every door." Deeks continues. "My kinda home." He sits in chair by the pool and lays back.

"Get up and help." Alexa says throwing a book she got from the box at him.

"Oh thanks I was about to ask for some reading material." He smiled and opened the book.

"You don't read." Alexa laughed then turned back to the boxes along the wall. "Deeeeeeks help me look." She begged. He put down the book and walked over to her. He grabbed a box and sat on the floor. Alexa grabbed another box and say next to him. "Yay!" She squeaked.

He laughed an tickled her sides.

"Nooo stop." Alexa said laughing and trying to push him off.

"Never." He replied. It was on, tickle war. Alexa started tickling Deeks neck. Deeks seemed to be winning. She was on the floor dying of laughter, Deeks on too of her still tickling.

"Please? stop?" She asked.

"You're gunna have to stop me." Deeks smiled and continued.

"Fine." Alexa said laughing. She grabbed his shirt and pulled him down and her lips crashed into his. He immediately stopped tickling and wrapped his hands around her waist.

"What the?" Sam exclaims walking outside.



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