Chapter 3

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Josh P.O.V.

We stepped into my room. I let go of the taller man's tattooed hand and walked further into my room. I stopped next to my old matress and turned around to the man. He was still standing infront of my door looking around.

When Gerard came and told me that he had a costumer for me I was happy at first. It was always good to get costumers in here. Most of the time they were the more 'ok' people. The onces that weren't filthy and disgusting. Then Gerard mentioned that it was his first time here and that he came with Jordan, a guy that was a regular here. I wasn't his type though, so we had never got to know each other personally and by that I mean that we never fucked.

I could clearly see Gerard's face from earlier infront of me, winking and telling me that this guy was really attractive. I didn't pay much attention to his words. Gerard used to say stuff like that all the time. He tried to make us feel better or lighten up the mood. But when you have spent all this time working this kind of job you learn not to hope for much. Really good looking and confident people can find one night stands for free.

"What's that door?" The man's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

I turned my head and looked at the locked door to the side of my room. I could see how he looked around, observing everything. And I could definitely tell that he wasn't impressed but at the same time not surprised at all. He was one of those people who could imagine what to expect from a place like this.

"It's a bathroom. Nothing important." I said and he nodded.

I turned my attention to him as his eyes wondered around the room again, not that there was much for him to see anyway. For me though things were different. Because for once Gerard wasn't actually overexaggerating. This Oli guy was indead good looking. Not hard on the eyes at all.

I slipped off my black converse and pushed them behind me with my foot. I stepped closer to the man slowly running my gaze up and down on him. He was standing there with his hands inside the pockets of his black tight jeans. His button up shirt covered most of his uper body. I fixed my eyes on the rose that covered his throat. It looked beautiful. I had seen his hands earlier. They were covered as well. It made me wonder what else did he had under that fancy shirt of his.

I stopped walking when I got right infront of him. He was slender, taller than me and I had to look up to meet his eyes. Thats when I realise that they were hazel, not brown not green. I liked his eyes. I noticed three little dots next to one of them. Was that another tattoo? I asmiled at it slightly.

I place my palms on his chest and streched my body upwards bringing my lips close to his mouth. I brought up my seductive voice licking my lips before speaking.

"So, Oli, or I'll better call you something else..." I trailed off and move my hand up and down on his chest.

"Oli is fine." I was pleased with the answer. I've had enough of all the people who wanted to be called master, or Sir or whatever they had in their minds. Thiese things just didn't stuck with me.

He still had his hands in his pockets and he was looking down at me unimpressed. I smiled at him and started unbuttoning his shirt, starting with the first button on the top. I leaned forward standing on my toes and kissed his throat area keeping my lips on his skin just a little more than needed.

I looked at his eyes as I finished unbottoning his shirt. He finally pulled his hands out of his jean's pockets and dropped them to his sides. I pulled the shirt open and stared at his chest and stomach. Tattoos. He was covered by them. From the eagle to the shark and the creepy babies. They were everywhere. I could tell that his arms were probably as covered. It looked so sexy to me. I must've stared at him for way too much, enough for him to cough and moved his hand to my head, pulling off my beanie, letting drop to the side.

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