Chapter 1

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Josh P.O.V.

I had been spending the last almost two years leaving the same kind of life. I never liked it but I also doubted that it could get better than this. Maybe one day. I still had hope but it faded a little more every day that passed.

I had my job at the whorehouse and the streets but even like that I never seemed to have enough money to pick myself up. That lifestyle has left it's mark on my body too. I felt exhausted most days that I woke up. My body was sore from the sexual activities. Sometimes I would feel like my head was gone too. Like I couldn't even think anymore. All I knew was that I had to get ready for any costomer that was going to show up or go and find my own once if it was my turn to be outside.

That week was no different. I woke up, late like most of the days and pushed the covers off me slowly. I quitly sat up, on the mattress that I used for bed, trying to be as gentle as I could on my pained back side and thighs. Looking around my room there weren't really many stuff, the mattress-bed, a tiny table, a chair on the other side, a window and the bathroom door. I stood up and grab my phone from the tiny table, that used to serve as a nightstand too. 4:00 a.m. Just in time to go take my lunch. I had a couple of hours to eat and shower. Maybe even sleep a little more before the long night ahead of me.

I looked around my room searching for a shirt. The first thing I saw was an old beat up hoodie. I grabbed it and put it on. I sat on the side of the bed, always moving slowly, and reached under it. I took my black old converse and put the on, not bothering with the laces. I stood up again fixing my dirty sweetpants.

I glanced around at my room. I sighed and cursed under my breath. 'What a pathetic existance am I?'. I sucked it up and opened the door quitly. I had to keep going. This was not just about me and my miserable self.

I walked to the little cafeteria like area. Leo was there, like always. A bunch of papers had his full attention as he wrote down on them. I walked up to the counter and only then Leo lifts his head to look at me. When he saw that it was actually me, he smiled putting down his pen.

"Morning Josh, slept in again?"

"Yeah, sorry. I'm the last one for lunch again, aren't I?" I smiled back at him apologetically. Leo just shook his head.

"It's no big dial, you know that." He turned around grabbing a white, food box.

"Since you are late though the food it's cold." I sighed at his words and took the box.

"That's fine. I can still eat it." I laughed a little to try and joke around the fact that I keep on failing at the simple day tasks. I mumbled a quit thanks to Leo and turned around to head to my room. I would always eat in there instead of the cafeteria table. The first couple of times people gave me shit for that too. At that time, just like everything else, they were used to it. I was never around anyway.

"Josh, wait!" Leo's voice stoped me and I turned my head waiting for him to continue.

"Listen, I can put your lunch in another plate and heat it in the oven. It will need some time but at least you won't have to eat it cold."

My curious and cautious gaze softens. Leo was a good friend in there anyway. I didn't trusted him one hundrend per sent, but he still was a friend, I guess. I smiled at him and walk back to the counter.

"I would appreciate that, thanks Leo." I said as I gave him back my meal.

He already had a clean plate on his hand. I handed him the box and he put the food in the plate. He turned around and bented down. He puted the plate in the oven and turned back to me. He gave me his gentle smile as he walked around the counter and he pointed to one of the tables.

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