Chapter 6

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Josh P.O.V.

The few times that I had to take the bus with Levi he had fallen asleep. I always used to say that it was the vehicle's movement that would make him sleepy. This time he was straight up, looking out from every single window and hitting Oli with a thousand questions. '"Are we there?" "Is this your home?" "What's that?". Oli would laugh and answer every single one of Levi's questions while never losing his smile. When I attemped to stop my son's constant talking saying that he might annoy Oli, Oli disagreed by saying that it was actually quit fun answering the silly questions.

When Oli park the car infront of a really nice looking building he turn around on the drivers seat and looked at Levi with a cheeky smile.

"Hey, kido, guess what?"

"Are we there?" Levi smiled and Oli winked at me.

"Yep. Let's get you guys inside."

Oli turned around and smiled at both of us from the mirror before exitting the car and moving fast enough to get to my door before I get to open it. I was being cautious about the situation and when he opened the door for me and Levi I hesitated on letting my son go out with him. How did I even agreed to this?

Levi jumped out of the car and run to the front door of the building. I yelled after him, scaried of letting him go by himself. We rarely went out like that. Oli walked fast behind him and when he reached the door he bented down and picked my son up on his arms. He easily held him with one hand and unlocked the door with the over stepping away just in time for me to walk in first as I had reached themwith mine a Levi's bag.Oli locked the car with his key and I made a move to get Levi of of him but he shook his head.

"It's cool, I got it."

We silently walked to the elevator and Oli pressed the button to the fifth floor.

As we reached up, something that I wasn't a fan of beacause of my fear for heights, Oli held the elevator door for me and together we walked into the single door on this floor after Oli unlocked it while still holding up Levi with no struggle at all. That's when I realise that Oli was way stronger than me psysicaly. And that scaried me and excited me at the same time.

Seconds after the door opened, Oskar, Oli's little dog run up to him and start jumping around happily. Levi cheered and Oli putted him down to pet the dog who seemed equally excited to see him. Oli closed the door behind me and turned on the lights.

Oli's appartment was quit a big one. It made me wonder if he really lived here all by himself. The first thing I could see was a large living room, white walls with two, big, light brown couches, a wooden coffee table, a television on the wall and shelves with movies, books, comics around it. There was a dog's bed on the side of one of the couches with a little blanket in it.

On the other side there was a room connected with the living room. A big table with only one chair stood in the middle. On top of it there was a laptop and a banch of files alongside some packages with clothes plus some random pens and markers thrown around. Looking at the two connected rooms I could see that there was a part on the end of the wall that seemed to lead to a kitchen.

Going inside the house, if you do not turn to the living room or the room with the table and you go straight forward you walk through a hallway with two doors on the left and one on the right side. At the end of it I spotted a big 'Jurrasic Park' poster and a small box on the floor under it.

"Make yourselves comfortable guys." Oli's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

I turned to him and immediately looked around for Levi. My son had throw his shoes on the floor and climbed on one of the couches alongside Oskar who was licking his face.

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