Chapter 10

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Josh P.O.V.

I remember looking at Oli's wide eyes. He wasn't looking back at me. He was staring at his hand and the first thing that I thought was that he was maybe disgusted. But when Oli's voice was heard, barely above a whisper then I felt the panic kicking in and soon I was just standing there unable to think logically.

"Josh....Josh, you are puking blood."

Oli finally dropped his gaze of off his bloody fingers and palm. His eyes met mine and I backed away, freeing myself from his gentle touch. I reached a chair and dropped down on it. I kept staring at Oli's eyes as he spoke more to himself than me.

"Josh, you are puking fucking god damn blood."

Oli's voice was louder now. More straight forward and firm. That was when I dropped my daze to the floor. I couldn't unswer.

"I'm getting you to the hospital." Oli announced and grabbed a towel from the kitchen. He wetted it quickly and placed it on my lab.

"Here, I'll wear my shoes and grab the key's."

He was already moving away while talking and a second later he came back with his converse on and the car keys in his hand. I was staring at the towel. I wasn't sure what to do with it. Or maybe I did and just couldn't do it. I was totally stuck. I heard Oli talking to me softly. Trying to bring me to reality. Make me move. In the end, I remember him putting on and tying my shoes for me, wiping my face with the towel. He gave me a small bucket from the kitchen and I hugged it protectively.

"In case you feel sick again." He said.

Oli putted a jacket on me and left the next minute technically running towards our bedrooms. I don't know how long it took for him to come back but it wasn't long. He walk in the kitchen with a black backpack on his back, that I later learned that contained all of our doctor papers and stuff. Up on one of his arms was a freshly woken Levi, rubbing his eyes and asking if I am ok. I did not answered. I really wish I had. My son was still wearing his 'Jurrasic Park' themed pijamas and the shoes that I guess Oli had put on on him. Oli helped me up with his free hand. He held my hand.

"Come on, Josh, I'll get you to the car."

We walked out of the door and Oli left my arm to unlock the car and put Levi on the back seat. He asked him to put a seat belt on and them he quickly came around to pull open the door for me. I sat inside the passengers seat and Oli went to tie my seat belt.

"I can do it." It was the first thing I remember saying.

"It's ok Josh, just..."

"Oli. I can do it."

He let me do it myself and seconds later he was in the car driving fast, but careful as always, to the closest hospital we could go. I stared out of the window. Oli was talking to Levi, comforting him and telling him that he didn't have to worry. I mean, I think, he was saying that. I wasn't paying much attention.


I snapped and turned my head towards Oli.

"Josh I have been calling you for a while. Are you ok?"

I looked at him. I didn't know what to answer.

"Josh, have you been feeling alright lately. I mean, you never said anything about pains but...something must have...I mean."

I had some stomach pains. That was true but I never though much of it. It was so hard to concentrate. All I could think about was that I had no idea what was happening to me. I never liked blood. I hate blood. Maybe like, a year ago Levi's nose open and bled and It took a lot of effort from Oli to calm me and convince me that it's normal. That it happens sometimes.

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