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Levi's P.O.V.

Desiding to write a little bit of my part on this notebook was something that had been running around in my mind the last couple of months. Still I do not wish to write much. I just wanna state some facts to close the cycle of my parents story since I am the one that owes this notebook now, and had been owing it for the last twenty years.

I do not wanna ruin the story by writing way too much stuff of mine so I'm gonna try and be as inclusive as possible, something that is really hard for me since I happen to be a writer. I went to university and studied literature. By the time I finished it I had already one full novel of mine published. I write science fiction mostly and the amount of research that I have to do takes a lot of time of me sitting infront of my computer or with a book on my face. The writing takes even more and I stay a lot inside and work from home. I enjoy it.

My way of making a living has worked really good for my family. I stay in the house, accompanide by my beautiful daughter, who's a teenager now and has mine and my mother's big, blue eyes. Other than that though she is the spitting imagine of my pale, redhead, gorgeous wife.

Dee-Dee and I got married around our twenty-two years of age, five years after being a couple. The night I purposed was the night that she told me that she was pregnant. We were beyond happy and had been ever since. My punk bride standing next to me with her plain, dark grey dress, combat boots and tattoos. Amazing.

Dee-Dee drop out of university around her second year. Her band was going on tour and that was all that she wanted to do. The distance between us every time she had to go made us even stronger. We had our problems from time to time but in the end, we love each other and our child more than anything.

Oli's band did good. Really good. There were time were my wife's band would tour with my father's band as a support act or they would play the same festivals. It seemed hillarious to me. They got along awesomely too. My father, Oliver, never had a serious relationship again. After some years he meet people and everything but nothing lasted too much and I never saw him in love again. All the love he didn't gave to me and my family he gave to his music. He was good though. He was doing good. As happy as he could be. I could see that he never stopped loving or missing my mother.

When Oskar passed away father and I buried him near my mother's grave. My dad made me promise that when his time would come, I would make sure that he was burried with my mother. He wanted to be alongside Josh forever. And when the time came, six months ago from today I kept my promise. They are buried together. Forever by each others side.

Losing dad was hard for all of us. He was in a car crush. Happened fast. Too fast.

When I found the notebook around my thing last night I read it with my wife and daughter. I told Dee-Dee that I wanted to write an end to it. Finish the story. She told me that I should go to their graves, just like my father did, and after doing so, I should burried it with them. I agreed. So here I am. Sitting with my back leaned on their gravestone. And I will bury it with them.

This story is forever theirs.

Their love will live forever in their hearts even though both of them are no longer beating.

I love you both so much and I hope that you somehow found each other.

Your son, Levi.


Aaaand, here it is, the end of this story. I feel really good when I end something that I wanted to do but also bad cause this adventure is over. I am going to start my new story as soon as possibly and since this one was a Fransykes now I am going back to Koli. There is going to be more Fransykes though. I enjoyed writting this a lot and I hope that you enjoyed reading it. Be as happy as possible guys and thank you so much for spending time to read something of mine. :)

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