Chapter 5

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Josh P.O.V

I pulled my jacket tighter around myself as I walked down the empty, dark alleys. My hands were really cold but I had no gloves and I had to keep them out of my pockets in order to hold the paper bag with everything I had just bought, which wasn't much by the way. The last couple of days were really cold. It was only the start of Autum and the weather was already killing me. On top of that my jacket's zipper had just broke and I couldn't even zip it up for a little extra warm.

I walked fast as I wasn't that far away from the house anymore. It was Sunday and for better or for worst I had no work that day. Thankfully for me there was a store in town with good prices which work twenty-four/seven every day. I don't know, maybe the owners where desperate for costumers. All I knew was that the one meal a day wasn't enough for both me and my kid. Most of the guys would by extra food. I couldn't buy much but I would always get milk, juice, cereal, fruits and vegetables. The house had an old basement with two fridges that everyone could use. Of cource I always putted the stuff I got with there bag so noone would question the candies and kid's snacks that I would occasionaly buy as well.

I sighed as I reached near the end of the alleys. Even though not many people were around this kind of nights, I was still scared. It wasn't just people like me. Drug dealers, gang members, anyone could come here and I always made sure to be carefull especially at dark, cold evenings like this one.

Suddenly I notice a car parked in the distance. The driver was out of it leaning back on his car seat with the window open, smoking a ciggarette. Probably fool of weed if you ask me. He was looking around and his moves were neurotic. I stopped and stared at him. I knew him. He was Dan? Danny? Something like that. I remember him from a couple of weeks ago. He didn't show up again so I figured that he wasn't going to in general.

He knew we didn't work Sundays, so what was he doing here? A thought came across my mind. Maybe he was hoping to find someone else. After all we weren't the only whores around. I decided to take my chances. I took my jacket off leaving me only in a white tank-top, the only clean peace of clothing that I had left, and wrapped it around the paper bag. The cold air made me shiver but I ignored it. I walked closer to the car and put my jacket with the bag on the floor near a corner before walking infront of the open car door. The window was down so I leaned forward on in.

"Here again? I start thinking that you are falling in love with me." I said in my playfull voice winking and bitting my bottom lip. He chuckled.

"More like falling for your ass baby. And that little mouth of cource." He reached out and run his thumb over my lip. He smelled like weed. I was right, big surprise.

"What are you doing here. I remember telling you that we, I don't work Sundays." He shruged.

"I was hoping to finding someone babe. I had low expectations but now that you are here..." He let his sentance unfinished and offered me the last drag of the joint.

I refused. I couldn't risk to go to my child high. I would never do that. I had surprisingly manage to stay compelitely off drugs all this time.

"Let's just have some fan." I told him and moved back as he walked out of the car and leaned on the closed door. He smirked and throw the cigarette away after he took the last drag.

"How much?"

"For you, fourty."

"Dial." He said and pushed me down on my knees.

Half an hour later I was entering the house. I greated Frank and Gererd who had been sitting on the couch and walked downstairs to put the stuff in the fridge. After that, I took the once that didn't need to be in the fridge with me and went to my room.

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