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The pain flows like waves trough my body. My head is spinning, I am trembling and sweating. I feel a sharp pain in my stomach as Richard kicks in my belly.

"P-please, s-stop" I get out my dry throat. Richard is my fathers right hand, and he often does the beatings. However, the beating of my father are the worst. Richard laughs.

"You thought, cunt" he continues to punch my head as blood drips from my nose. He kicks my stomach and scratches my back. I remain quiet as I scream from the inside.

When he is gone, I crumble myself up in a ball and sit in the corner of the cold  rock floor. My room is nothing more than wooden rotten bed with a thin martress and a small window. The floor is rock hard concrete and there is barely some sunlight.

Whilst in that ball, I cry. I feel like my tears are stopped dripping cause I have way less tears to cover so much pain. I saw my mother get killed in front of my one eyes, just when I was as little as 9. Ever since then, my father became more ruthless than he already was.

He took my virginity when I was just 11, I had my first forced sex client on my twelfth birthday, which I never had celebrated. I never finished middle school, what means that I never been too high school nor college. I am turning 18 in 3 months, what means a missed a hell lot of school.

I sigh, and a walk slowly to my bed. Every muscle hurts, my head is still banging and screaming in pain. I pull the thin sheets that I call "blankets" over my cold body and drift in a nightmare filled sleep.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoy the story so far. I do want to say that this story will have more violence and more abusive things, and rape, in contrast to my other stories. If you don't like that, I would recommend you to click this away, if you haven't yet. For my Dutch readers, HALLO! I wanted this story to be English because I feel like I can express my feelings waaaaaay better into words than I can do in Dutch so please don't be mad. For my new English readers, WELCOME! I have 1 Dutch story and if this story goes well, I will translate that one  and publish them on a separate account.

Also, my sincere apologies if there is any mistakes in grammar or vocabulary, English is not my first language and I am not that good in it either, but I will try everything in my power to give you a story that flows well and corresponds with what I want you to read.

I've talked too much, sorry, Keep reading, I love you more than you think ❤️

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