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Point of view Lilly

That night, I couldnt sleep. Seeing my father after so long, it brought back so many things. I see his face flashing in front my eyes, I feel the tinglings where he hit me with a whip. There lays deep scars that never go away. He will always be with me. If I look in the mirror, I see him.

Anyway, I decided to go to the hospital to see Ace, at 2 in the night. I watched him sleep for some time, and when he was awake, we talked the night full. He was comforting and made me forget about all the misery in my life.

As soon as the sun rised, Jake picked us up. Ace holds my hand gently. I take deep breaths, I am so afraid. What if the Golden Snakes are going to attack us? What if they kidnap me? What if something happens to Ace because of me?

We are in lockdown, and I hear Joshua slamming the bars aggressively. I feel a clump in my throat. When I meet his ice cold eyes, my body automatically backs off. Defensively is Ace standing behind me, still holding me hand.

I feel his breath get heavier of the anger.

"You son a bitch" Ace spits those words and punches him right in his chest. Josh coughs but still has a devilish grin of his face. I push Ace to the back.

"I want to do this myself" I whisper in Ace's ear. He takes as deep breath before he nods. I walk closer to Josh, while he is standing fearlessly. I practiced a month long combat skills and fighting, so I know where to hit him.

In one swift move I punch him on his jawline. "You thought that you will take my happiness forever, huh?" I scream at him.

"But I found my happiness and he is standing behind me" I shout. I punch him right in his balls. He grunts in pain.

"Tell us everything you know of the Golden Snakes" Ace commands.

"I am the shield of the real boss, Gabrielle" he says with a weak voice. "He watches every move you make, Lilly" he whispers hard enough for Ace to hear it. I feel Ace his anger take over and Ace punches him hard. But this punches are the real shit, a couple punches of these and you are dead.

"Where is he?!" Ace shouts while he keeps punching him. Josh coughs up blood and his nose is dripping with blood. "He will finish what I have begun" he says. Ace screams out of anger. "Tell us, NOW" he screams. His voice is shaking out of anger. I know it won't be long that he will kill him.

"Kill him, Lills" he says after a deep breath. I feel the cold and hard metal of the gun. I run my shaky fingers over the gun, while Josh is shouting curse words.

"I fucking raised you, ungrateful bitch!" He shouts. Again, Ace punches him. "Don't talk about her like that, son of a bitch" he shouts back. I feel my finger pressure the trigger.

"Ace, stand behind me" I whisper. He does what i say and then I pull the trigger. Josh lets out a loud scream before he falls down, dead. All sorts of emotions overflow me, I start shaking and crying. I drop the gun and break completely down. Ace pulls me in his arms, I sob on his chest. I strokes my back and hushes me.

"It's okay, Lills" he whispers. Tenderly he plants a kiss on me hair. "I-I am a m-murderer" my voice is trembling. "Ssh, lovely, you did what he deserved, you brought justice for yourself and for the countless families that he has torn apart. You did what was correct" he calms me down, and when I look into his eyes with my blurred vision, I see his kind warm eyes. The coldness is gone, and calmness and warmth has took place.

In the end, we walk away from lockdown with a shaky feeling, but I have calmed down. Ace was completely right. Joshua abused me in so many ways, he hurt me, he scarred me, physically and mentally. He deserved to rot in hell for thousands of years. He deserved to feel the pain that I carry everyday, everywhere.

A somewhat relief gets to me, and a tiny smile forms when I feel Ace's big arms wrapped around me.

In his arms, I was thinking about what the future is holding. I was thinking about how normal my life could me. I was thinking about how lucky Ace came that night, I was happy. I see Ace fall asleep on the couch, with me in his arms. I smile at his cute and perfect carved face, and press a small kiss on the corner of his lips.

Lilly didn't knew, how this would monly be the seed of a tree full of problems and obstacles to a better future

For the peeps that don't know, Josh and Josh and "my father" are the same person hehwhehhwe. This chapter took so long cause I wanted this to be perfect and descriped in the words that I wanted. This chapter will be a branch for a whole lot new problems so be tuned!

Baaaay lovelies ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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