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Point of view Ace

Today is exactly one month ago that Lilly is free from were she came from. We know that her father is a big enemy of us, so we going to prepare.

I am riding to our head quarters in the East side of the city. My men of trust are all gathered there.

I greet Jake, my right hand, the one with the big mouth. He is also the second command and my most trusted man. Then we have Aaron, he is my left hand, and we have Detroit and Diana, the gang twins.

"Okay guys, do you know why we have gathered today?" I ask. "You have our enemy's daughter at home" Jake grumped. I look very annoyed at him.

"Shut your fucking mouth, Jake. We have to end Richard, he is stealing from our containers on the docks and he is stepping up in our territories." I speak loudly. Everybody nods.

"But what is the plan?" Diana asks somewhat confused. "I have a plan!" I hear a voice that I recognize too well...


"What are you doing here?" I rise one eyebrow at her, while she has an develish smile on her face.

"Ace, you need to make an alliance with a another gang in the city. Then I will be giving meself to my father, in the park or something. But all your men will be hiding behind me; and then we attack. But people, don't kill him, I have to give my last words to that son of a bitch" she explains.

I look over to my gang, and they are all thinking. I am honestly very impressed that so many anger and intelligence came from this tiny and shy girl.

"Since when do we take orders from a girl?" Jake asks muttered. I see that Lilly struggles as he says that.

"Do you have a better plan?" She asks with class. I am even more surprised, she didn't lower her level. This girl has an ability of a leader, and that makes her so much more attractive.

Everyone shakes his head, and then she looks at me for my final acceptance. I nod and a tiny smile sparkles her face.

"Good. I will call him to the Ravenclaw Park at 10 PM and say that I had slept the last month at the streets and I will ask if he will take me back" she continues.

Then she turnes to me. "You Ace, do you have gangs that are suitable for an alliance?" She asks. I nod. "The Knights. A small but powerful business. "," but why an alliance, we can handle this on our own" I ask. She shakes her head and sighs.

"You need to keep thinking about the future. An alliance will give you access to the goods of their gang, and we will be stronger if we have to go trough a war. Cause killing my father will not illuminate the Golden Snakes, it will weaken them. And when the are weak and poor without their leader, we will attack again" she says. I don't say anything anymore, just like the others. We are all shocked, and proud of her.

"Lilly, you are a genius! You should consider taking part of the gang!" Diana laughs. I see pain in her when Lilly hears that. "It calls for a drink!" Diana shouts. Lilly laughs sweetly. I watch her for a long time, and when she finally sees it she walks up to me, with a pretty smile.

"Hey Ace" she smiles. I automatically smile when I see her smile, it's dangerously contagious. But I don't mind it, though.

"Hey Lills","How did you come her accually?" I ask. She lets out a small laugh. "I sneaked in your car.." she laughs guilty and my smile grows. She takes carefully a sip from her drink.

"IEWL, how do you guys drink this?" Her face is totally grossed out. I laugh and bring her some water.

"You know Ace, I have been thinking..Can you teach me to fight?" She asks. I can see that she has been willing to ask this for a long time.

"Why, you are safe with me, little one!" I assure her. "I know that but you won't always be with me. I want to defend myself, ecspeasilly now that my dad is bigger threat than ever" she explains. I think for a couple seconds, but when I see her sweet puppy eyes, I couldn't say no.

"Okay, only for you!" I say and she smiles widely. "THANK YOU ACEY" she jumps in the air and dances a cirkel and then tightly hugs me. Her head is hidden in my big chest as her small arms try to hug my huge torso. I chuckle, and stroke her soft brown hair.

"Under a couple circumstances, young lady!" I raise a finger in the air. She giggles softly. "You will be trained by me and only me, nobody can come so close to you and you have to promise me that you won't hurt yourself" i say. She smiles. "Yes Daddy" she rolles while laughing her eyes. My body warms up by those so words and I can see Lilly her cheeks turn red when she realizes what she just said.

"I gotta pee!" She says and then gets away as soon as possible. I chuckle when I see how she runs. A warm feeling washes over, as I feel lucky to have her, even if she will never fall for me.

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