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Point of view Ace

When I enter the hospital room of Lilly, a woman is crying by her bed. She is saying words and she sobs. The thing is that she looks like Lilly.

"Who are you..?" I brutally interrupt her crying. She looks somewhat shocked, I think she didn't expect anybody.

"Who are you?" She asks me. Her voice is like an older version of Lilly's voice. "I am her boyfriend" I say. She wipes her tears and walks closer to me. When she is close enough I can see all the simalarities in her. It almost looks like..

"I am her mom.." she says almost ashamed. But, hold on, that doesn't fit well. Lilly told me that her mother was killed by her abusive dad, Joshua.

"No way, you are lying. Lilly said that you are m-murdered" I say. Her eyes that almost exactly the same as Lilly look down. "He hided me on the other side of the country, I-I didn't want it, b-but I was scared...a-and words spread that he is dead, I wanted to see my angel...but she-..." the woman continues to cry but I can't help it but feel a angry sensation coming up.

"Do you know that she has been abused for more than 17 years?" I ask. She doesn't answer and looks down. "Do you know that!?" I ask louder this time. I see her eyes getting filled up with tears. Carefully, she nods.

I sigh, and look at her. She looks sincere sad and sorry, but leaving your kid behind at such a devil, it can't be forgiven. But then, it is not up to me.

A long time, nobody said anything. I know that she left Lilly, but you could feel a thick mental bond between them. One thing that we had in common was that our love for Lilly was endless. And that was enough to give her a chance.

Lilly's mom broke the silence after long time. "I'm sorry that I left her..but can you not tell Lilly about me, that I am alive..?" She asks softly. I frown my eyebrows. "Why?" By voice is cold and deep, my eyes focused on the ground, my arms folded.

"I want to tell her myself.." she says.
"You have one month, starting at the day she wakes up" I say. She nods and leaves the room. After she left, I bend down to her bed and cup her face with me hands. I kiss her nose.

I promise that I will keep her away from all the bad things in life, I promise her that everything will be okay. I want to protect her from all the monsters and I want to keep her in my arms forever. As I whisper these words in her ear, I feel her hand grip on my wrist.

Completely startled, I look at her eyes. Her eyes are still closed but her heartbeat increases. Panic begins to take over but nurses rush over to her bed.

"You have to leave, sir" a nurse says. But all I can do is stand there, frozen, looking at how they insert even more needles in her body and how her heartbeat keeps getting faster. "Sir you have to leave, right now!" She shouts. I get grabbed and the move me to the waiting room.

Unable to understand what happened, I sat there as a mindless man. I counted the people that passed, examined the movement of a fish in a aquarium and read lips.

After a full 2 hours, a nurse finally showed up. "Mister, we have good news. You can check out for yourself" she says with a smile. I walk quickly to her room and when I see her beautiful bright eyes, my heart skips a couple beats. On Lilly's face lays a gorgeous smile.

"Acey!" She smiles, her voice still weak. Tears fill my eyes as my knees weaken. "You-you are awake.. my angel" I say. She giggles. "Come her, silly" she laughs. I walk up to her and she embraces me in her arms. I hug her tightly, I wanted to kiss her..

"I am so happy, Lilly, I lo-" I almost slipped the l-word but the nurse saved me. I look back down to Lilly and her cheeks are blushed up.

"Ah, how are you, Lilly?" The nurse asks. I feel her satin soft fingers rub my hand. "With this potato by my side, I am more than good, m'am" she smiles. In my belly, it feels like thousand of ticklish butterflies have been released.

"Oh well, how romantic!" The old lady nurse laughs. "Well, Lilly, I want you to stay one more week for examination and further healing. Then you are free to go.." she says. Lilly nods with a smile on her face. "Oh wait, Lina has booked an appointment with you and Ace..?" She looks at her notebook.

"Sorry who..?" I ask.
"The foster care lady.. Lilly has no parents and no foster family and is currently living at a strangers house. Untill She is 18, she has to go in foster system.." she reads out loud. "I told that lady that she is fine with me!"

"I am 18 in 3 months!" Lilly protest. "You have to tell Lina..she is the foster care lady, not me" the nurse says and walks away. I grumpf and look down at Lilly. She looks sad.

"Hey are you okay?" I ask. I cup her face and place a kiss on her forehead. She wipes away a tear. "Does this mean I have to move out..?" She cries softly. A pain radiates when I see her cry. Some intuition tells me to do anything in my power to stop it.

"Lilly no, you won't get away from me. They are not getting you away from me!" I say. "Asspeassly not now that I just got you back" I whisper. A watery smile decorates her sad face. "Okay?" I ask. She nods. "Okay."

Woooooow Lilly is awake, Ace loves her, Lilly's mom is alive... holy crap that a lot of information! And do you see that John Green reference 😉 yeah I love it too.

Either way, thank you for reading and push the vote button to show me some love


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