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Point of view liLly

The next morning, I felt terrible. Vaguely I remembered what happened yesterday evening and when I think about it, I feel like I could cry.

"Good morning, princess" Ace greets me. He has the sweetest smile on his lips, it makes warm flows go trough my body. He comes closer and picks me up from the floor. "What are you doing?!" I giggle, laughing loudly. "I picked you up" he chuckles. I try to get out his grip but he doesn't move. He places me carefully at the dining table.

"Breakfast for Lilly Evergreen, is served" he smiles. I look over at the table, which is filled with plates. Eggs, fresh bread, baked stuff, cupcakes, coffee, and at the end of the table a beautiful proud boy.

We talked a lot and Ace has big plans for today, but he ofcouse won't tell me.

"Okay, princess, go get ready, a bit fancy will be good" he says after breakfast. I insist again to tell me where we are going, but he has strong determination.

I go upstairs and pick up a beautiful yellow shoulder off dress with black heels. I curl my hair lightly and lightly spray some body mist.

I walk downstairs and get surprised, because Ace is in a suit. His eyes are staring and his mouth a little open. I giggle. "What are you looking at?" I laugh. "You. You are beautiful" he mumbles. I smile and we walk arm in arm towards his car.

Even in the car, me and Ace talked a lot. It has almost been a half year being with Ace, staying there and seeing him almost everyday. But as the saying goes, everyday is learn something new of him. He liked the feel of rain on a shaved head, he only eats cupcakes when it is night, and he was the smartest guy in class.

I look at him, admiring every little bit of him. His little bumpy nose and his satin lips. His flawless skin and soft hair,

"What are you looking at, Lills" he starts chucking. I feel heat rise up my cheeks as I quickly look away. "There was a pretty tree" I mumble and he laughs.

"What was your favorite childhood memory, Ace" I ask after a little while. His face saddens a bit, but I little smile arises.

"I was with my mum and my little sister, and my dad was working. She took as to the amusement park in Riverton," he sighs "it was the last good memory with my mum and my sister.." he quietly says.

I put my head on his knee and look at his eyes that are focused on the road. "Hey Ace, it's alright" I whisper. He glances over me, I see his eyes shine with tiny tears.

"You know, I think I should accualy tell you about the death of my parents and my sister.." he says, looking directly in my eyes. I am startled to be honest, I didn't knew he was ready to tell me. Heavily I nod my head, where as he lets out a small chuckle.

"My mum and my dad were shouting at each other, because my dad had started a war with the Bronze Dragons, the gang your father ruled. My mom was a sophisticated woman, who knew her borders and lines and knew what was good to do and what not, which made a huge impact on my dad, as he is an impulsive person. My sister was 8 years old and I was 15 at the time." I sniffes his tears away. "Lilly, I remember her big blue beautiful eyes, staring at me, scared. She didn't know what was going on, here parents where arguing and in the meantime, gunshots where being shot. Hannah was begging for my protection so I hid her at our closet. Minutes later, a door burst open and 20 Bronze Dragons were in our mansion. Our soldiers fought for their lives to safe their leader, my dad, but they couldn't succeed. I say them shoot my own my mother with my own eyes and then they took my little sister, and held my dad captive to torture him to death. I hid so well, they didn't found me. With the rest of my soldiers, I trained for days after days, years after years with anger building up in me, only eating me from the inside..." I looked over at Ace and tears are running down his cheeks.

"Ace, t-that is horrible" I whisper. I quickly inhance him a gently hug. "Sorry I cried" he mumbles. "No, Ace, im happy that you told me." He pulls back from the hug and cups my face in his hands. "I think I am in love, she is incredibly beautiful and she is smart and she will be mine very soon" he whispers.

"She was big dark blue eyes and plump beautiful lips and rose cheeks. Her skin is satin to the touch and her hair is prettier then Rapunzels" he continues. A small grin comes up. "Her name is Lilly, and she will look out of the window right now" he says. "What?" I ask. "Look" he says. I slowly turn me head and I gasp for air when I see where we are.

White sand, blue water and white foam on the egdes. Big palm trees, even dolphins in the ocean. "H-how? Oh my god it is beautiful" I stutter. My eyes accualy fill up with tears as Ace opens the car door and walks with me towards to the hot sand.

Then, all of the sudden, when we are inches away from the water, he kneels down in front of me. For the second time is day, I gasp for air.

"Lilly Evergreen, my beautiful girl, I love you. I love you so much that I cant concentrate without hearing your voice, I love you so much that you are on my mind everyday, all day. I love you so much that I write your name everywhere, I love you so much that I count your freckles on your nose when you are asleep, I am madly in love. And I know that I should be your boyfriend first, but my heart desires for you to be my wife, my best friend for life and partner in crime, I will cherish you for every second that I live cause you deserve to be loved for every second you live. You would make me the happiest man alive if you say yes, will you marry me?" My mouth is open and I am crying before I jump on him.

He lands on the white sand before I tenderly begin to kiss him on every part on his face. "Yes, Yes! I do want to marry your precious soul" I giggle. The most angelic smile glows on his lips and he flips me over and kisses me more and more intense.

"I really love you, Lilly" he whispers in between the kiss. For a couple seconds, time really stood still. His redbrownish eyes glow and sparkle and he is smiling. "I love you more, Ace" I say back and his kiss seals my lips.


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