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I wake the next morning up from my father screaming and shouting. It gives my shivers, it makes my scared. Scared that he will kill be soner of later cause he is sick of me, just like he did with my mother.

I pray that he doesn't come in my room, cause when he had a bad mood, the beating is only worse.

But nonetheless, he came barging into the room. His cold eyes were wide open and he smelled like alcohol, but it only was 11 in the morning. I roll myself up in fear, afraid of what his next move will be.

In one swift move he slaps me.

"Girl, you need to take another job!" He shouts. "I-I already have a job, part time, and I'm j-just 17" I stutter. Without hesitation he punches me in the chest, what makes my groan in pain.

"Fucking whore, you get another job, or  you know what will happen" he says. And I know damn well how we make the money. His friends and connections can have sex with my on a high price, in short words, I became a prostitue.

I shiver by the idea, cause I already know how that is. I nod in fear, and after he gives me a goodbye punch, he leaves my room.

My shifts starts in a hour so I get ready. When I see myself in the mirror, full of scars and bruises, I feel disgusting. I am disgusting and broken. Dumb and education less. I don't have a future and nobody will love an used piece of garbage.

I walk to my work in only my work uniform in mid November. I feel the cold breeze on my skin, and honestly it hurts. But I keep waking, like I do everyday. I work in a restaurant, and my only friend is my colleague.

I greet her and get directly into work. Yara is that colleague i talked about earlier. She mostly serves and I prepare the meals. But today is different.  Yara comes with a devastated look on her face.

"Lilly, Please serve the guys on table 3. They are hella rude" She asked quitly. I sigh deeply, and go into the restaurant. I see the table of 2 men, young, they seem rather dangerous and tough.

I build up a little confidence and go to the table.

Point of view Ace

A very pretty girl comes to serve the table. The previous server was probably scared and she called another one in.

But as I said, this girl was not only pretty, there was a weird attraction to her. I shake my head in myself and look to her wrist. I feel weirdly shocked when I see dark bruises and scars. Some of them are fresh and some very old.

I know that these are abuse scars. I see that she tried to cover a black eye up with make up. I can read her fear, I can see trough her. Something about the fact that she is abused makes me angry. Not angry, actually furious. Let behind the fact that I only saw her just yet.

"Sir? Sir?" A kind and sweet voice interrupts my thought. Jake chuckles.

"Oh yes" I stutter. "What did you order?" She asks. I give her my order and her sleeve gets a little rolled up. I only see worser scars and bruises. She sees me and quikly rolles her sleeve back down.

"Okay, um, I will be back with your meal in 10 minutes" she says. The only thing I find in her eyes are fear, with a hint angryness.

When she is gone, Jake laughs loudly. I give him the death stare.

"You were all over her, boss" he laughs. I look angrily, knowing he is right.

I am Ace Titan, the leader of the most feared maffia gang of the whole world, and yeah, I don't do love.

"I was not" I neglect. He continues to laugh. "Shut the fuck up, Jake, she comes back" I mumble.

She walks up to us with plates and glasses, with a watery smile on her face. 

"Here you go, sir" she quietly says as she places the plate in front of me. She turns around to leave, and without thinking I grab her wrist, knowing that this is bad move. She flinches in pain, and when she turns around, her eyes are full of fear. I immediately regret it and release her wrist.

"Sorry, um, what is your name?" I ask quite nervously. I try to get a sympathetic smile on. "Lilly" she responded. I nod and she walks away, fairly fast. Jake burst in laughter.

"Boss, you never act that way with a girl, what the hell" he joked. I don't reply to him, and eat in silence, batteling with my mind.

When I am back home, I go straight to the warehouse. The warehouse was previously a big department of mall, but now abandoned. And here in the warehouse is where my gang comes together for meeting, practice or just simply a drink. Some of us do stay here, when the don't have a place to stay or if they are in trouble.

I walk in a straight line to Cole, my computer genius. He is the one that hacks in other gangs computers if we have to, or gives my important information about a person.

In this scenario, Lilly. I need to find her again, I feel just disgusted by the person that brought her these scars. Her eyes were so kind, so innocent.

"Cole, you need to find Lilly" I command him. He raises his eyebrows. "No problem, last name?" He asks. Then I feel incredibly dumb, I didn't even ask her last name. I shake my head. "I don't have that" I mutter. "She works at North Star, the tiny restaurant at the north side of the city" I remember. He nods.

"I will call you if I have information" he reported. I nod and leave his office. With a weird feeling and my mind on that girl, I head home.

The next morning, Nila wakes me up. Nila is my little sister, just a few years younger than me. Since my parents are dead, I take care of her.

The first thing I receive is an message from Cole, saying that he has found her and managed to do a background check. I came to the warehouse as soon I could.

When I was there, Cole had a sad expression on his face.

"Read the background check for me" I command, but Cole shakes his head.

"I think this is something you want to read yourself, boss" he says. I sigh and grab the papers out of his hand. I read:

Name: Lilly Evergreen
Birthdate: 8-10-1999
Criminal Activity: none
Parents: Monther: Diana Evergreen
Father: Joshua Evergreen
Job parents: Father is the leader of Golden Snakes, mother is dead
Living: Old warehouse South
School: none
Work: Currently working at North Star, applied and accepted to one of our bars.
Notes: Once in hospital for a severe wound of a bullet, few days old. She also had a couple broken bones that never cured. After treatment wound, she disappeared.

My mouth is dry from what I was reading. For once I feel a thing for a girl, then it happens to be the daughter of my enemy. Joshua. Evergreen is however not the name he goes around, that is maybe his normal life name. In any way, something feels odd about this. She wouldn't be so wounded and abused if she was the daughter of the second feared men, neither should she be working at 2 places.

I sigh very very very deeply, and decide to let it be. I don't want her to be in my life, that would only bring more problems. But as I say those words, a weird voice tell me that it's going to be the opposite.

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