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🌹Rena's Pov🌹

Me: Guys! What do we have first?

Me: Guys! What do we have first?

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Soyeon: My ears literally exploded!

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Soyeon: My ears literally exploded!

Me: Yuri, since when are you so excited over Math?

Yuri: I heard that our Teacher is sick! Meaning there will be a sub!

Soyeon: Are you serious?

Yuri: That's what everyone is saying! It might be true!

Me: I don't care weither the Teacher comes or not. I hope we still take lessons

Soyeon: Nerd!

Yuri: Rena~senpai, how do you still like Math?

Soyeon: Yuri, i know you are from Japan but gurl...we are in Korea but don't go all-!


Soyeon: I hate you

Yuri: But Soyeon~senpai-!

Soyeon: Yuri! I'm not your Senpai! We are the same age! Rena is too!

Me: Let her be. She can call me Senpai

Yuri: Hihihihi~☆

Soyeon: Annoying as fuck

Yuri: Prrrrr~ *cat noise*


Soyeon: Class time!

We all turned and started walking. I saw these bullies, these guys are so annoying. I can't believe my own Brother is with friends with some of them. Not all of them are mean but one of them, that jerk....Kim Taehyung is the one i want to kill!

I accidently bumped into someone and my books fell on the ground.

Soyeon: Yo! Rena, you okay?!

Yuri: Rena!

Me: I-i'm fine!

I wanted to pick my Books but someone kicked them, i slowly looked up and saw...

I Fell In Love With My EnemyWhere stories live. Discover now