•Library•Chapter 1•

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•Your POV•

I have a crush on Nagisa Shiota. I've known him since my first year of junior high. I'm not sure what it is about him but he is just so kind and polite. I usually have trouble concentrating in class, but today I was completely out of it.

The class bell rings and I feel a knock in the back of my head. "Hey, what are you dozing off in class for? We have exams tomorrow." The familiar red head leans back in his chair.

"Geez Karma-kun, you didn't have to hit me." I pull my bag onto my desk and begin packing up. "Anyway why do you care? You have much more academic skill than I do. I have no chance of placing top 50."

"Koro Sensei isn't enough of a tutor for you? You really are useless aren't you." He says grabbing his bag. He walks towards the classroom door but stops. I finally realize we are the only two left. He holds up three tickets. "I reserved spots in the library for us to study. Lets go."

Wait, how did he get tickets for the library?! I attempt to run towards him but stumble every once and a while. "How did you get those Karma-kun?!" I grab the ticket from his hand, examining it making sure it isn't hand drawn.

A devilish smirk appears on his face. "Lets just say that Asano lost a bet and now he has to pay for it."

The thought of it makes me giggle. "But wait, there are 3 tickets. Who is coming with us?"


•Time Skip•

I wish the E class and the main campus weren't so far away. It took forever for us to get to the library. I spot Nagisa sitting down at one of the tables with two empty seats beside of him. I sit in the middle with Nagisa on my left and Karma on my right.

Nagisa slides his text book over to me. "Hey (Y/N)-chan, do you think you can help me this math problem?" My face heats up but luckily not enough for a visible blush.

"S-Sure." I examine the math problem. Wait, this one is actually pretty simple. I start explaining it to him but by the end of it I turn silent and start writing notes about each step. "And...finished! That one isn't too hard as long as you know the proper formula."

"Wow, (Y/N)-chan that's amazing. I never knew you were so good at math." Nagisa looks all over the paper at the notes I made at how to solve it.

Karma looks over at the paper with his eyes wide. On his textbook you can see all the parts where he previously erased his work. "Do you need notes on it too Karma-kun?"

He turns his head away from me. "No, I do not." I sigh and continue to fill out my answers, getting stuck every once and a while.

Eventually I close my textbook. I finished all of today's homework. "You're already finished? I'm still on question #19." Nagisa says while rubbing the back of his neck.

Karma has every other question done except for the one I was helping Nagisa with earlier. He frustratedly scribbles different equations while erasing others.

I reach out to grab his hand. "Karma-kun, are you sure you don't need any he-"

"I'm fine!" He swats away my hand. I'm not sure what I should say.

"Well... I guess thanks for the study session but I should be going." I pull my bag strap over my shoulder and leave the library.

But before I can fully exit the room, I run into someone who is in front of the doorway, causing me to fall onto the floor.


"Hmm? I didn't expect you to be in here (Y/N). Ah, sorry I'll help you up." He reaches his hand out to me but I don't grab onto it. He looks irritated but then smiles.

"You don't know me well enough to drop the honorifics." I dust off my skirt and I try to walk past him but he continues to block the door.

"If you want to study in the library, you could have just asked me. You don't have to go through all the trouble of challenging me."

"Asano-kun please I need to get home."

"Come on (Y/N). Call me by my first name. I'd love to hear you say it." I was about to reach out to push him out of the way but I feel a hand on my shoulder.

I tilt my head to see blue hair. "Nagisa-kun..." I look down at the ground so my blush isn't noticeable.

"Asano-kun move out of the way." Nagisa says. Asano sighs and steps aside.

"Thank you Nagisa-kun. I'll see you tomorrow." I wave at him and he smiles and waves back. I quickly run down the halls before I can be stopped by someone else.

•Karma's POV•

How? How did she solve this problem? It doesn't make sense. I've tried all the equations I can possibly think of.

Nagisa walks over and sits back down beside me. "What happened?" I asked him.

"Asano showed up."

That jerk. What did he think he could get away with doing?

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