•Your'e home•

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*Shawn's POV*
I've been so lonely the past 3 months, I miss y/n so much. Being without her is driving me crazy. She's not there when I need a cuddle buddy. She not there to kiss me when I miss her the most. Don't get me wrong, I love touring, I love my fans, and always will. But I'm ready for it to be over so I can see my girlfriend. It's the last concert in North America, but I don't go back home for another two weeks. But I really need to see her. Y/n is my life and I want to surprise her. She doesn't expect me home for two weeks, but I'm going to catch a flight back tomorrow. So right after the performance, meet and greet, and q&a, I have to head to my hotel immediately to pack all my clothes and guitars.

It's before the performance, and I can't stop thinking about y/n. I can't wait to see her face when I surprise her. She's gonna be so happy. When she's happy, instead of blushing, she giggles the cutest giggle in the world. I can't wait to hear it again after so long. I have Andrew to thank for all of this. He made it possible for me to be on the greatest tour and he got me a flight to go home to my beautiful girlfriend.

"Shawn, you're on." Andrew told me patting me on the back for good luck.

I walked on to the platform and looked out at the crowd. I took the moment in and smiled. I began to play my latest single, There's Nothing Holdin' me Back. The crowd started cheering my name and singing the song I wrote for y/n for our anniversary. I continued with the set list and at the end of the performance, I threw my guitar pick out to the crowd, said my thank yous and went back stage.
I had a 20 minutes before the meet and greet, so I went to my dressing room and called y/n.

"Hey, baby!" Y/n said over the phone.

"Heyy, N/N. what are you doing?" I asked.

"Nothing much just being a loner. I miss you soo much." She says.

"Aww, miss you too. I'll be home before you know it, ok? I promise." I tell her dropping a few hints that I know she won't pick up.

"Shouldn't you be on stage?" She questioned.

"Just got off. I'm about to go meet the fans, but I wanted to call you." I say smiling at the thought of surprising her.

"Oh ok. Well you go meet your fans, and call me when you get to your hotel ok? I'll talk to you later." She says.

"Ok, I will. Later." I say hanging up.

*Skip time*
I'm in the middle of the q&a and I just called on a girl with a stripped shirt.

"How badly do you miss y/n?" She asked.

"Well, I miss her so badly that I'm surprising her tomorrow. I wasn't supposed to go back home until two weeks from now. I can't be without her, not to mention, she is hooot." I say, chuckling.

I the crowd laughs at my comment and agrees.

"Guys could you do me a favor and not post any videos until tomorrow 12pm?" I ask.

They all agree to the arrangement.

"Alright sorry guys but this his the last question. Umm, you right there, young lady with the dope phone case." I say.

"Who was your first love?" Shes asks and my heart flutters.

"Y/n. Definitely y/n. One hundred percent y/n." I said blushing like crazy.

"Well you guys. I gotta go. I love you guys, have a great night." I say, blowing a kiss and walking out.

*Skip time*
I'm at the hotel packing everything quickly. After my clothes were packed, I went to start on my guitars. I strum a few cords on my favorite guitar before putting it in its case. I put all my suitcases to the side and all my guitars with them. I strip out of my black skinny jeans and shirt, and put on some joggers. I climbed into my bed and set my alarm. I picked up my phone and called y/n.

"Well, hello there, baby." She says in a slightly tired voice.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up." I say.

"No, no. It's ok." She says, waking up a bit more.

"I love you." I said, suddenly freezing and going motionless.

"I-I love you too." She said back, chuckling nervously. "I miss you so much."

"I miss you too." I say, smiling uncontrollably.

"I can't wait two weeks, I want to see you soo bad." She whines over the phone.

"I miss you too. You have no idea." I say.

We talked and laughed for a while, until I heard soft snoring from the other end. So I hang up and slowly fall asleep with a smile on my face.

*Next day*
I woke up at 4:00 am and got to the airport at 5:30, 30 minutes before my flight. I'm currently seating anxiously, waiting for my flight to get called. After the longest 30 minutes of my life, my flight got called. I basically jumped out of my seat. I walked over to Andrew and gave him a hug, and thanked him one more time. I grabbed my carry on and boarded my flight.

*Skip time*
I finally got off the plane that landed in Toronto. I took a cab back home, and took an hour nap. After an hour I made it home. I got out of the cab and pulled out my guitars and suitcases, and put them all at the front door. I unlocked the door and the house was dead silent. I pull all my belongings into the house and walk upstairs. I walk into our bedroom and see y/n on her phone, texting someone. I lightly knock on the doorway, and her head shoots up quickly.

"Shawn," she squeals, "I thought you were coming home in two weeks?!" She questioned giggling like crazy and jumping into my arms.

I swung her around a few times and put her down.

"I couldn't wait that long, so Andrew got me a flight to come home early to be with you." I said kissing her passionately.

"I love you." She says, touching my cheek.

"I love you." I said playing with her curly hair, and caressing her chocolate skin.
I hope everyone is safe if you live in Florida. 🙏🏽 Much love. ❤️
Word count: 1119

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