I Still Dream Of Chasing

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A five-year-old boy clutched to his mother's hand tightly as if his life depended on it. Honey brown eyes brimming with tears behind rounded glasses stared at the huge iron gates of the school. "It's okay sweetie. I'm sure you'll have fun and you'll make a lot of friends," his mother said as she sat down on her knees facing her son. "I'll pick you up (oh won't you pick me up pick me pick me pick me up-sorry I had to) later okay?" The boy reluctantly lets go of her hand and stifled a sob.

Just a few steps away from them, another five-year-old boy stood with his mother. But unlike the other, the boy was smiling, chest raised high and face filled with enthusiasm.

"I'll be okay Omma! I promise I'll make you proud!" HIs mother laughed and kissed his chubby cheeks.

"I am already proud of you my sweet child. Go now, I'll pick you up later. I love you!" his mother shouted the last three words because the boy was already running towards the school.

"I LOVE YOU TOO OMMA!" the boy shouted back once he was inside the school.


"Good morning children, I am Miss Im Jin-ah and I will be your teacher," the teacher said once the class settled in a few minutes later.

The children answered and bowed in unison "Good Morning Ms Im!"

Ms Im looked around before continuing, "Alright," she clapped her hand and smiled, "I also want to know each beautiful children in front of me. Please introduce yourself one by one.I will call the first person and that person will call the next and so on. Who wants to go first?" a couple of eager hands shot into the air while some shy kids lowered their heads so that they won't be called.

"Ahhh you go first!"Miss Im pointed to the kid who was frantically waving his arm. He stood up, chest raised high and face filled with enthusiasm, just like a few minutes ago when he was with his mother.

"Hello! My name is Seungkwan and my last name is Boo! I am 5 years old. I'm happy to meet you all!" His voice was loud and proud as he stood in front of his classmates.

"Thank you so much Boo-ssi. Please, choose the classmate whom you want to know," the teacher said with a smile.

"Uhmmmm," Seungkwan knotted his eyebrows as he scanned the room. He already knew each of his classmates since they were all neighbours. Then he laid his eyes on the only unfamiliar face in the room, a unique image amidst the sea of similar faces, like how young Seungkwan thought what angels would look like. "I want to know him!" He said as he pointed his finger to the boy sitting at the farthest corner of the room. His honey brown eyes grew big behind his round glasses when he realised he is next. Seungkwan sat down to his seat in front as the other boy walked towards the front of the class.
"Oh. Hello, are you a foreigner?" The teacher asked when the boy reached her.

"I... ughm... I am ... a halfer..." the boy stuttered, looking at his shoes. The teacher went to him and rubbed his shoulders. "It's alright. Can you tell us your name?" she said encouragingly.

"My name is Han... Hansol. Chwe Hansol... and I'm 5.." he said raising his head ever so slightly to look at his classmates before bowing down.

One by one the students introduced themselves, but Seungkwan was not paying that much attention. He kept on glancing at the back of the room where Hansol was sitting. He already made a mental note to himself that he would be his best friend.

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