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(Warning! Too much fluff ahead! Read at your own risk!!!)

To say that Hansol and Seungkwan were sweet was an understatement. They were more than that. They were diabetic.

"Vernonie! Kakkung!" Seungkwan said cutely as he crept behind Hansol's back. He was waiting at their usual meeting place so that they can walk to school hand in hand.

"My baby booooo~," Hansol said against Seungkwaan's hair as he hugged him tightly.

That was how their every day starts. Walking hand in hand to school, not minding the looks people give them.

Then it's off to their classrooms, they were taking most of their classes together as per a special request from Hansol after they won last year's season. They sat beside each other of course, their teachers actually tried separating them before because Seungkwan's constant giggles ALWAYS disrupt the class, but decided not to do so because Hansol ended up staring at Seungkwan from 3 seats apart the entire period.

And then came lunch time.

"Here comes Prince Charming and Booyonce," Seungcheol glared at the two from the table.

All of them were genuinely happy when the two finally got together, thanks to Seungcheol, as he always pointed out whenever possible, but the Glee Club President soon started to question his life decisions. Hansol was there almost every choir practice which was a good thing because Seungkwan became a hundred times better just to show off, but Hansol's lovesick smiles and stares made the other members cringe so Seungcheol banned him from the vocal team's practices forever. Same goes for Seungkwan who watches his boyfriend practice his rapping and exaggeratedly claps his hands at every interval, Seungcheol had to carry him out when he got too sassy and almost started a fight with Hansol's female groupmates. Nope, both of them were banned from being in the Music Hall at the same time.

"Yo wassup!" Hansol brofisted everyone on the table, even Seungcheol's cute little ipdeok fairy boyfriend Jihoon.

"Seungcheol-ah, I really don't want to barf my lunch again," Jihoon whispered to Seungcheol. Yesterday he choked on his sandwich when Seungkwan cupped Hansol's cheeks and squeezed them together, the latter faked-hurt his lips and demanded a kiss.

"Don't worry. I got this. I have a plan."


Hey guys... i know its a short chapter but hey, at least its something. Im still sad about Jonghyun's passing so i had no motivation. Well i hope you guys liked this chapter.

Your weird carat

Qim Qim

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