Too Attached?

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The next day, things were a little different.

"Vernonie~," Seungkwan said as he turned the corner but he stopped because when he saw no sign of Hansol there. "Vernonie?" Seungkwan raised his eyebrow and looked at his wristwatch to check if he was early today.

"Seungkwannie~," the owner of the name turned around to find Seokmin smiling at him, beside him was Soonyoung with the same smile plastered on his face. After the past year's incident, Seokmin inevitably became one of Seunkwan's close friends, only because he convinced Hansol that Seokmin was with Soonyoung already so there's nothing he should worry about. Even so, they rarely hung outside Glee Club practice or performances, so this was not a usual encounter.

"Hansol actually went to school early, extra basketball practice," Soonyoung said when Seungkwan started to protest. "I think it was because he missed one of our practices when he went on a date with you," he finished cutting off another of Seungkwan's sassy comeback.

"Oh let me just uhm, text him then," Seungkwan was unlocking his Hansol-wallpapered phone when Seokmin grabbed it from him.

"Ah no, you'll get him into trouble. Strictly no phones during special practices," he said and he stuffed the phone in his pocket. "Speaking of practices, Seungcheol called for a special practice session for the first period so we better hurry."

The walk to school felt new to Seungkwan. He already missed Hansol's warm hand in his, and he doesn't like third-wheeling. He swore he almost gagged when Soonyoung was holding onto Seokmin's arm as they walked. Surely he and Hansol weren't like that, were they?

Meanwhile, Hansol was sweating like crazy after an hour of practising alone. He reached for his phone right away as soon as he got to the benches but Mingyu stopped him with his hand.

"Uhm, he's in practice now, you wouldn't want Seungcheol to scold him right?" he smiled at his friend who immediately put the device down.

Lunchtime came and Hansol was looking forward to finally see his beloved Boo Seungkwan but life was cruel. He only saw Mingyu and Wonwoo at their table.

"Has anyone of you seen my boo?" he pleaded.

"Hansol, sit down we have to talk to you," Wonwoo sain in his serious deep voice which was deeper than his already deep voice. "Right now, Seunkwan is being held captive in the Music Hall."

"WHAT?!" Hansol immediately stood up.

"Sit down idiot," Mingyu said.

Wonwoo sighed before continuing, "Again, he's in the Music Hall with Seungcheol and the rest because we were weaning him out of you."

"What?" Hansol asked again, but this time he was confused.

"Both of you were addicted to each other, actually it's mostly you," Mingyu said. "Consider this as an intervention from your concerned friends," he reached across the table and patted the younger's shoulders.

"Look, you spaced out from most of our conversations because you kept staring at Seungkwan's lips," Wonwoo started.

"You were always attached to him, back hugging him, side hugging him, front hugging him, every-possible-side hugging," Mingyu followed.

Both of them had their arms crossed on their chests and they were talking alternately.

"There are about a hundred chairs and benches in this institution and Seungkwan is always on your lap"

"Your voice raises a pitch when you say his name'

"Your hands are probably useless now because he is always feeding you"

"What is even personal space between the two of you?"

"YOU. ARE. LOVESICK. HANSOL." Mingyu finally said.

"What's wrong with that? We love each other," Hansol said innocently.

"We love each other too but you don't see us PDA-ing around the school," Wonwoo gestured to Mingyu first then to himself. "Our point is, we know you really love him and all that sappy shit but it has been a year and both of you should be mature enough."

Hansol stared at the table for a minute or two before saying, "When can I see my boo?" he pouted and the elders' heart ached.

"After school," they said at the same time.

The day passed by with Hansol catching up on his missed practice sessions. He was thinking about the things his hyungs had said and realised that he was a lovesick puppy indeed. It's not as if he didn't like it though. He loved every time spent with his Seungkwan but he doesn't want people, especially their friends, getting uncomfortable with them because of his actions.

"VERNONIE!" Seungkwan ran to him when it was finally the end of the day. Hansol's heart melted when he saw tears pooling from Seungkwan's eyes and his lips were pouted as he talked rapidly, complaining about missing him the whole day. He fought the urge to kiss him then and there so he detached Seungkwan from him and held him at arm's length.

"You don't have to miss me baby. We have forever ahead of us so let's take our time," Hansol smiled sincerely, "Plus there are more things we can do in private." He whispered.

                         The End

Waddup! Anyway this is the last chapter for the book... i really hope you like it. I cant believe it ended but hey... it has a happy ending unlike my other book... hahahah...

This will not be the last you heard of me...

Your weird carat

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