Seungkwan and Seokmin's talk

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This is a filler chapter but enjoyyyyy


The walk to Seungkwan's dorm room was silent. Hansol knew that something was wrong but he didn't ask Seungkwan because he knew he'll just snap at him. During times like this though, he knew what to do. Without saying anything, he wrapped his hand around the gloomy boy's hand and just kept it there, squeezing it every now and then trying to send as much warmth as possible. He was grateful that Seungkwan held onto his hand too as if entrusting his life to him.

Seungkwan's mind wasn't silent as his mouth. Earlier when practice ended Seokmin came up to him and confessed. Seokmin is a nice guy, they became close since they were both main vocals and they were always left together, practising more than others, as Seungcheol instructed. Seungkwan never failed to smile whenever he was with him, he knows how to lift up his spirits especially whenever he encountered Hansol's fangirls.

"If you'll be with me, you won't have any reason to be with Hansol anymore. I can make you happy, I can protect you. He can't," Seokmin said, his usual smile plastered on his face but with a more serious tone.

"He's my best friend. I can't just stay away from him, " Seungkwan pondered.

"I'll give you a reason to stay away from him," Seokmin replied.

"I'll think about it" the latter answered.

"Seungkwannie?" Hansol said for the fourth time, pulling Seungkwan out of his thoughts. "We're here," he said when he realised that they were standing outside the building.

"I think you should rest now, you have a big day tomorrow!" Hansol said more cheerful than necessary. "Also I have a surprise for you after your performance but don't get too excited it's nothing much. Ahh just get in now and sleep okay?" He ruffled his best friend's hair and pushed him inside.

"Good night Seungkwannie~"

"Good night Hansollie..."

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