I Want Something Just Like This

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Hansol stared at them across the library. His best friend who was always beside him now sat 3 tables away completely unaware of his presence. He watched him, imagining the sound of his laughter, reading the words formed by his lips, the boiling sensation in his chest grew even hotter when Lee Seokmin, the guy beside Seungkwan caressed his face and gave him a quick peck on the lips. Hansol stood up and slammed the table harshly, gaining the attention of everyone in the room. He stormed out of the room even before the librarian could chase him away.

"Hansol, it's been two months. Let it go," Mingyu said when he caught up with him.

Hansol kicked a stray pebble and it hit the trash can nearby them. "I just..it was just so sudden that's all. I mean, we haven't had the chance to catch up with each other yet and this guy came along and ruined everything. How long have they known each other? He doesn't even know anything about Seungkwan." Hansol stopped walking and pointed to himself, "I know everything about Seungkwan."

"Dude," Mingyu also stop walking and placed his hand on his friend's shoulder, "you sound like a jealous puppy, seriously you should move on, unless..." the tall guy smiled widely and raised an eyebrow.

"Unless what?"

"Unless you're into him, are you?"

Hansol started to walk again, "What the heck bro. That's just sick, not everyone is gay like you Gyu," he said, almost too defensively.

"Ouch, that hurts bro," Mingyu made a dramatic move of clutching his heart.

Hansol smacked his arm and they continued to walk in silence. The blind boy having an internal conflict, two voices in his head fighting over what Mingyu has said.

"Jealous yes, but only because he was his best friend," one voice said.

"But what if?" the other voice debated

Hansol immediately shook the thought.


The cafeteria was hotter than it was supposed to be, or maybe it was just what Hansol thought. Sitting across the table were the two people he didn't want to see that day. This was the first time they sat on the same table ever since Seungkwan and Seokmin started dating. Seungcheol insisted that the Glee Club would sit on the same table during break time so that they can use the time to discuss their upcoming performances, but Hansol knew better. He knew that their leader was only using this reason to get closer to Lee Jihoon, one of their lead vocalists. He watched Seungcheol offer almost every food on the table, even if it wasn't his, to the pink haired guy beside him.

"Why am I surrounded by gay couples," Hansol muttered to himself.

"You know that might be the problem," Wonwoo suddenly said.


"The reason why Seungkwan was avoiding you even before he met Seokmin. Maybe he thought you're homophobic," Wonwoo's deep voice was suddenly irritating to Hansol's ears. He glared at Mingyu who only smiled back at him.

"Do you have to tell your boyfriend everything?" he said between his teeth.

"I don't have to. You're so obvious, Chwe Hansol a.k.a Vernon," Mingyu fired back.

His internal battle continued as he watched Seokmin wipe the ketchup off of Seungkwan's lips, one arm resting on his shoulders. He never thought that Seungkwan would come out of the closet and he felt betrayed by the fact he found it out through the news of him dating another guy.

It was as if he didn't trust me enough.

Maybe he thought I'll punch him or something.

He noticed Seungkwan glancing over at him and he felt the urge to flip the table over, but he settled for an eye-roll instead. He let out a deep sigh and reached for an Oreo in front of him when a hand slapped his away.

"No don't eat that!" Seungkwan suddenly shouted. Everyone at the table stopped and stared at him. "Uhm, those are peanut butter. You're allergic to peanut butter stupid, here eat these ones instead," he offered the shocked blonde boy the chocolate ones he had.

Hansol can't believe what just happened, his heart warmed up to the fact that Seungkwan was still watching out for him. "Uhm. Thanks," he muttered as he reached for them, electricity coursing through his body when their hands touched ever so slightly.

"Ahww, my SEUGKWANIE is so thoughtful isn't he?" leave it to Seokmin to ruin the moment. Flashing his teeth-rich smile that's starting to get on Hansol's nerves. The bell rang, signalling the end of lunch period, everyone stood from the table and Seokmin dragged Seungkwan away leaving a very annoyed Hansol behind.


"Seungkwan, I... Please don't avoid me, I can still be your best friend. I promise I won't go between you and Seokmin but just hang out with me again, please?" Hansol talked to the wall. "Ugh no no stupid that sounded so needy. Damn it how do I tell him that I.AM.NOT.HOMOPHOBIC geez," he ran both his hands through his blonde hair.

"Why don't try to just tell it right away?" Seungcheol said.


"But both of them looked so happy though, maybe it's not you, maybe they are just so happy together that you don't exist anymore," Wonwoo said. He doesn't speak much but when he does, it always hit Hansol. Hard.

"I think Seokmin was too, um, territorial. They're always connected limb to limb, and they always cuddle in the practice room. I really don't mind as long as it would not affect the performance," Seungcheol said nonchalantly.

"Wow. You guys are such a HUGE help. Thanks," Hansol said sarcastically.

"Wait, isn't that Seungkwan?" Mingyu pointed across the field and Hansol turned to find Seungkwan running, his boyfriend chasing after him, but it wasn't the running-around-the-beach-in-a-romantic-way, it was more of a I'm-breaking-up-with-you way.

"Let's go," Hansol ran towards his best friend and the others followed him. He stopped just a few feet away from them.



Ohhhhh cliffhanger.... what happened between the Seokkwan couple... Aigoo guess you have to find out in the next chapter...

Thanks for the 200+ reads! I love you guys!!! 

Your weird carat


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