How it Began- Part II

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Karn's PoV

"Run, Karn! Go! This is your chance!" Zee yells at me, the bigger dragon tackling her again, the two of them falling from the sky as he rips into her side. I look back over to see my parent's bodies, lying in blood, their purple eyes lifelessly staring into mine. Pain fires through my veins, especially at the sight of them, lying on the ground with their necks ripped open, the links I had in tatters, shattered like an Ender Crystal. "Run!"

I screw my eyes shut, my whole body sinking to the ground in a crouch and I look up one last time, Zee's eye catching mine as she plummets down. "Good luck," she whispers into my mind. I shut my eyes again and draw my magic in, teleporting away without a trace. Pain winds through my whole being and I whimper, a tear escaping and trailing down my cheek.

I'm spat out somewhere in the Overworld, darkness around me except for one torch down the hall. Looks like I'm in a mine, the cobwebs draped across the ceiling helping indicate that. As I assess my surroundings, I notice all of the spiders on the ground. All of them centered around a body.

A human.

I rush forward, hissing at all the spiders to scamper and they do, scuttling back into the shadows they were born from. The body has an arrow sticking out of its chest, which I promptly pull out. A sticky liquid pools under him and I realise it's blood. My magic picks up, rushing forward to heal the human, and I place my hands over the wound, all my effort pouring into it. My magic latches onto something in him, something that hasn't quite died yet, the trace of something that hasn't been awoken.

My magic injects itself into it, pumping it full of power, sparking the fire in him that has his eyes flying open and him gasping for breath as though he had been holding it. He bolts upright, shakes running over his body, and his sudden movement makes me fall back, startled and tired from the escape and now what I've just done.

The human's eyes land on me and he shuffles back. But his eyes aren't like what I imagined. Chocolate brown is slowly being overtaken by blinding white, a bright glow coming from them, almost like a torch is behind them. He starts hyperventilating as he whips his head around, looking for something or someone. He looks back at me, careful not to look into my eyes, his flitting down instead.

"Wh-wh-where are m-my br-brothers?" He stutters, the magic in him preparing to lash out at me.

"Brothers?" I ask confused. My English isn't too good, but it's enough to be able to communicate, a heavy accent that I have dragging on my words from being an enderman. We aren't exactly meant to know how to speak English.

His eyes widen in fear and surprise. "Y-you c-c-can t-t-talk?"

"If you think I could not... speak, why ask question?" I ask him, hoping I make sense.

"I-instinct," he says rather quietly.

"Instinct?" I question him, sitting down in front of him so he can see I'm not a threat.

"You d-don't know what-t inst-tinct is, do you?" He asks me calmly.


"It's that want to do something that you d-do by yourself, w-without thinking," he tells me. "How do you know English?"

"My parents and Zee, they teach me," I answer, a pang striking my heart at the mention of them. I left them back in the End, I don't even know if Zee is alive. And my parents...

"Who's Zee?"

"Friend," I whisper out, barely audible.

He looks down at his hands that keep shaking, power coursing through him and pouring off him in thick waves. "What is this?"

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