I Miss You

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A/N Yay, exams are over. Here's a chapter to celebrate!

Brine's PoV

I hate being away from her. It's been about nine months, two weeks, and four days since we decided this was best, since she had left with tears pouring from her eyes.

Not to be exact or anything.

Karn's been keeping me company, but he is with Tara a lot of the time. Fair enough, I understand. He's with his mate, I will never be mad or angry with him for spending time with her, they were literally made for each other. They need to be with each other, it's nature.

However, they do often come to visit. Lately, they haven't. Over the past few months I haven't seen Tara at all. I see Karn often, he visits lots, but he's holding something back from me, I know he is.

Oh well, his choice.

I sit at the table, the familiar feeling of the portal wavering as someone steps through echoing in my heart and magic, so I take another sip of my coffee. The air around me ripples, and a familiar enderman steps over to me, a tiredness hanging around him, but he seems happy, his eyes alight with a brightness that I know is not in my eyes. I sullenly take another sip, Karn pulling up the chair beside me.

"Hey, Brine. You seem off, what is it?" he says, bowing his head a bit and tilting it to see my eyes that are downcast.

"Something's off, I don't know what. I just, I've been feeling sick all day," I admit, my eyebrows knitting together.

"I'm sure you'll be fine," he assures me, whistling for a mob at the same time.

"It's not me that I'm worried about," I mutter.

The rest of the day seems to drag on, Karn disappearing a few times to check in on Tara. But now I sit on my bed, my magic swirling around me, distressed and anxious. What is happening?

"Sana, are you okay?" I ask into the bond I share with her. She always responds.

But she doesn't.



Something in me shatters. Pain tears through my veins and I cry out in anguish, falling to the floor, my magic roaring in pain and sorrow. The bond shatters, the side she was on falling away to somewhere I can't reach. I hear fast footsteps outside my door, and it's thrown open, but all I can feel is the pain and guilt and sorrow that pumps through me like blood. My magic claws at me desperately, my vision fading and brightening before I open my eyes fully with everything blurry, whether it be from the tears of from my magic retreating so that my eyes are exposed, I've no clue.

Someone picks me off the ground but I just whimper as the pain kicks at me like the fires that keep this dark place alight. My magic screams out for something, but I can't find it.

I can't find my Sana.

Something in me holds on though, but it's almost like I'm filled with a second amount of sadness, a second dealing of pain. What is this?

Eventually, the pain ebbs away, becoming background pain more than anything. I realise that I'm curled up into Karn's chest, his breathing steady, unlike mine. "Brine? You back?"

"Yeah," I croak out, the scratching of that other thing becoming apparent to me. I can't see properly, everything blurry and mashing together in an assortment of colours. "I can't see."

"I know, your eyes are brown. You want to explain?" he asks softly, seeing that I could fall apart at any moment.

"I need to find her," I whisper.

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