Alternate Ending- Brine's Bonds

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Disclaimer: This chapter deals with very serious issues, such as suicidal thoughts/actions and alcoholism. It gets real dark. 

This chapter was requested by the amazing Aronthesnogger . This is an alternate ending to Cells Part 2 from Secrets of Legends. Enjoy!! ٩( ᐛ )و


"I love you Dad."


The sword burrows straight through my chest, right where the scar is. Steve wrenches his sword out of me before turning towards Notch, but Dad teleports in, viciously attacking Steve.

And then he looks at me.

Dad staggers, his eyes wide as he looks over at me, horror swirling in the air from him. I hear someone shuffling, everything fading more and more as the feeling of my own blood pooling beneath me takes up most of my attention. I try to sit up, or do something, but all my limbs fail and my chest burns, prickling around the wound, my magic unable to go there. Must be Imorphia.

Someone places my head on their lap, and I look up to see Notch, his eyes slowly burning gold as he struggles to pull his magic out. I can feel the familiar sensation of tingling from him trying to heal me, but it does nothing. "Jade, you need to hang on for me, okay? We're going to heal you, but you need to just hang on," he says, determination pouring off him.

"It's okay, Notch," I breathe out, unable to raise my voice. My eyes switch back to Dad who has killed Steve, his body on the ground as Dad walks over to me, blood sliding down from a cut below his eye, almost as if they were tears of blood. My magic curls into me, whining lowly as it envelops me in a hug, along with Notch's weakened magic and Dad's magic that swamps both of ours.

"Jade. I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, I should've been here to-to pro-protect you," he says as he sits down beside me, taking my hand in his, Notch moving out of the way so Dad can rest my head on his lap. Tears start falling from his eyes as he helplessly looks down at me, his fingers weaving through my hair.

"Dad, it's okay, I'll be okay. I'm... going to m-meet... M-um," I say just above a whisper, tears starting to leak from my eyes as I feel Dad and Notch's grief around me.

"No, you're going to keep your eyes open, and you're going to stay with us," Dad tells me.

"Don't b-blame... Steve. It... isn't... his... fault," I say just loud enough to be heard. A somewhat familiar darkness tugs me into its arms, making it harder and harder for me to breath, and as I'm pulled down this dark tunnel, I utter my last words.

"I... love... you... Dad."

Brine's PoV

The bond shatters as her eyes go dull, unseeingly staring up at me as her magic disappears too, pain erupting throughout my system. I clutch at my chest, a cry tearing from my throat.



Pain tears through my heart, my magic crying out for our daughter, clawing at my heart, at the bond, trying to pull her back to us. "Go to her," I breathe out.

"I can't, I don't have enough energy in my magic," Notch replies dully, looking at the body that's laying in my hands.

"I'm so sorry, baby girl, I'm so sorry, I love you too, please don't leave, don't go," I whimper, burying my head in her neck.

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