7. Goin' Bananas

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" So at the end of world war one the Austro Hungarian Empire was divided into 8 seperate regions." Mrs. Tutweiler explained. Everyone leaned forwards and went on their phones when Mrs. Tutweiler turned her back.

"Class," and we all leaned back again. "For your midterm papers, I'd like everyone to pick a royal figure and discuss their rise to power, accomplishments and legacy." We all leaned back. "An Zack, despite his name, King Kong is not technically royalty." She explained. "Zack?" She asked, and he wasn't paying attention.

"Huh?" He asked suddenly. "Zack? Who are you texting?" Mrs. T asked coming to the front of her desk. Everyone put their hands up bar Bailey, Cody and me. "You're all doing it? No using your phones unless there is an emergency." She said.

Her phone went off and she looked a little embarrassed because she was just telling us off about our phones. She looked at her phone. And then at London.

"London? The fact that you think that my make-up is kind of clown-y is not an emergency." London shrugged.

A couple of days later we were in class, and Miss Tutweiler saw London on her phone.

 "London! I said no texting in class!" She scolded. London gasped and continued texting. "Okay, that's it. I'm confiscating your phone. I'm confiscating your cell phone." Mrs. T said, taking it from London. "Fine." London replied, taking out another phone. 

"All your cell phones, your PDAs, your DAPs, your blacktooth and your blueberry." Mrs. T said getting them all wrong. London reached into Bailey's hood and took out a phone. "Okay, remind us to never go to an airport with you." I said to London, looking at Bailey who was looking in her hood for anything else that could be in it. 

"You're not getting these back for a week." Mrs. T said, putting them in a drawer in her desk. London gasped, upset.

The bell rang and Bailey had to drag her away. Mrs. T held Zack back. "I wanna talk to you about the term paper your turned in." 

"Yeah, some of your best work might you say?" Zack said smiling and trying to escape. He took it from Cody. That's why.

Mrs. T dragged him back. "Um, I can leave." I offered. "No, Y/n, maybe you can help Zack with this." Mrs. T said. "Yeah, the paper was quite well written." Mrs. T said. "By me. I wrote every word in there." Zack said. "Yeah, that's what concerns me." Mrs. T said, pulling him over to the desk. I was concerned now. What did she see in it? "Particularly this paragraph in the middle here." She said and read it out. "I'm terrified of bananas. I imagine them chasing me, gnashing their fangs and growling, it's gotten so bad I can't sleep. Please help." I could see Zack's face. He was regretting it now.

"Does...that not belong in a paper about...Louis ziv?" Zack asked. "Louis the 14th and let's not hide our problem behind humor." Mrs. T corrected.

"I wouldn't really call it a problem." Zack said sitting down at a desk. "Zack, a phobia is not something to be taken lightly. I want you to see Mr. Blanket, the school counselor here at 3 o clock." Mrs. T said. "Do I at least get an A on the rest of the paper?" Zack asked, desperately. "Oh I'm not gonna grade it until we see if you get put in that other class." She said, whispering and making hand gestures with the last 3 words. 


Bailey and I were doing homework on the Sky Deck. Well, trying when I heard this weird tapping sound on the table. I looked up and London was tapping her thumbs, obviously not used to being without her phones.

"Okay will you stop that tapping?!" Bailey said, getting annoyed. "What tapping? I'm not tapping. Am I tapping?" London asked, confused. Bailey gestured to London's hands who were tapping furiously.

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