5. Smarticle Particles

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"Bye, guys." I said to the girls Bailey and I were talking to. I walked ahead of Bailey and then I tripped over something. "Ow!" I said, as I sat up and rubbed my head. "Zack?! What are you doing?!" 

"Ssh, come here." He said, and Bailey and I knelt down on the floor and looked over the top of the smoothie bar. "I'm playing a prank on Woody. You see yesterday, he salted my pudding cup. You don't salt a man's pudding cup." Zack continued. "Men don't eat pudding cups." Bailey said, looking at Zack. "Apparently mine does." I said to Bailey, rolling my eyes. 

"Hey, you know you love it. Anyway, when Woody sees the plate of free goodies, he'll pick it up, which will pull the fishing line, which is attached to a bucket of freezing ocean water on the upper deck, which will plummet to the earth, getting said Woody, soaking wet. Which will make me laugh until I wet myself." Zack said, proudly. 

"And yet, you never have time to do your homework." Bailey said. "What'cha doin?" A voice said I looked over. "Zack's playing a prank on you." I said to Woody. Wait. Our heads shot towards Woody. Oh no, if Woody's here then...

"Is this somebody's idea of a joke?!" A voice said, we looked over and a girl was standing there soaking wet. Moseby came in. "What is going on here?!" 

"Zack just drenched Becky Muldoon." Woody explained. "Uh oh, she's captain of the wrestling team." Bailey said. "The boys wrestling team." I added.

"Who did this?" Becky asked. "He did." Moseby said, pointing at Zack. "This guy." Woody said, also pointing at Zack. "Right here." Bailey said, you guessed it, pointing at Zack. I pointed at Zack also, "All him." I said. I know he's my boyfriend but she's scary I don't want any part of this.

"I can explain." Zack said, walking up to her. "You can explain after I beat you into a billion Zack pieces." Becky said, lifting Zack up. Pls lady put my boyfriend down.

"Uh, Miss. Muldoon, will you please put him down?" Moseby asked, walking over. She dropped him as Moseby gasped. I ran over and helped him up. "Oh my god, Zack are you okay?" I asked, hugging him. He nodded. 

"Thank you." Moseby said, quietly and walked away. "Yeah, thanks." Zack said, getting back up. "Moseby may have saved you now but meet me here at 3 o' clock. And bring bandages." She said and she walked away. 

"You know, I'm sure that tough girl thing...it's just an act." Bailey said, trying to comfort Zack. She picked up something metal and bent it completely. Wow..

"That's one heck of an act." Zack said, his eyes wide. He was terrified. I don't blame him. I am too.


Zack was pacing back on the Sky Deck when Woody came up behind him, making him jump. "AH DON'T HURT ME!!" He shouted, but turned around and was fine once he realized it was Woody.

"It's just me." Woody said. "I thought you were Becky coming to pummel me early. Man, I've been so nervous today I've already sweat through 3 shirts!" Zack said. "Me too." Woody said. "What are you worried about?" I asked. "Nothin." Woody said. "But, if you wanna win the fight, I have a great move." Woody said. "Okay, come at me." He said, standing steady. Zack took one step forward and Woody fell to the ground, clutching his head, and yelling "Don't hurt me!!"

"That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard." Zack said. Moseby came up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. "Please don't hurt me! Please don't hurt me!!" Zack said, falling to the ground and rocking back and forth like Woody did earlier. "Oh! It's the armadillo." Moseby said, a smile on his face and then he walked away.


"Man, what am I gonna do? You know if I dodge Becky, everyone will think I'm a wimp. But if I stay here, and get my butt kicked by a girl, everyone will think I'm a wimp!! If I kick her butt-"

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