Who I Wanna Be

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They can try to stop her

From being who she wants to be

They said "She's just a girl with a guitar"

They said "She won't get very far."

That girl, who cowered on stage

That girl, with a guitar

That girl, that was a dreamer from four years of age

That girl, they said wouldn't get very far

They tried to stop her

To hold her down

She got up and said

"This is who I wanna be."

Yeah, that girl was me

They said, I was just a girl with a guitar

And that's who I wanna be

They said, I wouldn't get very far

But I'm laughing now

From the stage in Madison Square

Playin' my guitar with my friends

Because I'm livin' the dream

They can't stop me now

From being who I wanna be

I'm just a girl with a guitar

That wasn't supposed to go very far

That girl, who cowered on stage

That girl, with a guitar

That girl, that was a dreamer from four years of age

That girl, they said wouldn't get very far

They tried to stop me

To hold me down

I got up and said

"This is who I wanna be."

Yeah, that girl was me

They said, I was just a girl with a guitar

And that's who I wanna be

They said, I wouldn't get very far

Who I wanna be

I wanna be me

That's who I wanna be

Yeah, I just wanna be me

Just a girl with a guitar

That's who I wanna be

That wasn't supposed to get very far

This is who I wanna be

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