Your Vampire

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Shaggy black hair

Bright blue eyes


And an oh so sexy personality

Please bite my neck

Make me bleed

State your claim

With a sip of me

I want you

Can I be

Your Vampire?

You can be mine

Dream of red

Pouring from my neck

And onto your sheets

Lick it up with a sexy smile

Show me your fangs

Make me want you

Drink my blood 

Make me one of you

Your vampire

I want to be

Your vampire

That's my dream

Does my blood turn you on?

Seeing it makes you crazy

All I want is 

Your fangs in my neck

Suck the life from me

Turn me on

Lick my teeth

Bite my lip

Make me bleed 

I need the high you give me

Can't you feel my heart race?

I just wanted a taste

I want to pull on your snakebites

To lick your neck

And send you into a frenzy

As I sink my teeth into you

Is it too much to ask?

I love hearing you say

I'm Your Vampire

Please can I be your vampire slave?

Chain me up

Drink me dry

Immortality is bliss

We have forever

I want to be 

Your vampire

Forever means more to me

Than until my heart stops 

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