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[E D I T E D]

life is simply a mix of mayhem and magnolias, so embrace this gentle riot and gather flowers along the way.

00. Queries with a Queen

❝Where the Hell are we?❞

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Where the Hell are we?

I'm not particularly sure.

The world that they had entered, with a fluidity of a snake, was definitely no longer the world that Elizabeth knew and from the look on Loki's face, eyebrows furrowed in unmasked calculation, it wasn't a land he was familiar with either. Elizabeth had twirled a circle upon arrival, trying to gather as much of an understanding on her location, but had not been met by any indistinguishable feature. Of course, she hadn't really expected to know where they landed, Katherine must have gone farther than New York City to go completely M.I.A, but she had hoped she would have at least recognised a few key plots. Yet, with a brief observation, Elizabeth was incredibly sure that they weren't even on Earth anymore.

The city was one of marble. Clean fixtures of white seemed to transcend the landscape as far the eye could see. Pillars stood, engraved with an unknown language, on every piece of architecture to simply support the enormous weight of the pure stone to which they had been carved from. The buildings, though not tall, had a distinct air of importance to them which made Elizabeth shrink slightly towards the paved ground in which she stood. The slabs of pavement were also unlike any she'd seen back home, a place that Elizabeth was very quickly missing, and seemed to imprint around her feet, moulding to her weight, achieving a sense of floating. Yet, in spite of the paving stone, Elizabeth was also keenly aware of how much she was actually floating due to the clouds supporting every foundation.

The place was also, in spite of its clinical nature, buzzing with life. Women and men, draped it similarly white cloth, crowded the streets as small children weaved amongst the crowds with loud giggles. The fresh smell of fruit and bread was laced within the air, probably from the many patrons brushing past Elizabeth and Loki who held their groceries in woven baskets, whilst the skies above them glowed a soft hue of blue. The two looked out of place to say the least. Whilst the civilians surrounding them bore only light fabric as clothes, most skin out in the open and getting a perfect gold complexion from the ever-wavering sun, Loki and Elizabeth had roughly twenty layers of clothes between them and looked a sickly white in comparison. No one seemed to notice them much, however. A few of the men and women glanced over at the newcomers, faces free of any worries, and would smile before bowing their heads at the duo but no one seemed particularly bothered.

Are we still on Earth?

Elizabeth asks hesitantly, voice raspy, in spite of her already knowing the answer. How Katherine Tyler managed to get onto a foreign land was an impossible question that Elizabeth had yearned to know for a long time coming but; a foreign planet? It took Elizabeth's breath away. In fact, it seemed to take so much of it that she was really beginning to struggle to breathe. The air, though very obviously being inhaled by her lungs, felt as though it were a liquid going down her throat and choking her lungs. It had been slowly getting worse, as though she were only getting a quarter of what she needed with every breathe but was very quickly forcing Elizabeth to have to viciously gasp for more. Instinctively, her hand reaches out for a strong support as her legs begin to give out from the pressure coming from the lungs.

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