Just Listen ~ Chapter 5

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Okay guys! Like I promised! New update on Just Listen :) This one is a bit long and has a nice little ending! Hope you guys like it! And remember to support me with voting and commenting if you like the story! Thanks again! :)

Chapter 5

"Are they here yet?!" I asked for about the millionth time as I appeared in Louis, and mine living area where Niall, Liam, and Zayn were all lounging. Louis was trying to get on his footie pajamas. 

"No," they all stated as they turned and looked at me. I frowned slightly as I took a seat next to Liam.

"Face is Hazza, you've got it bad for Harmony." Liam said as he looked at me, smiling at me like the wise daddy directioner he was. I sighed.

"Well who wouldn't? She's absolutely gorgeous." I replied with a sigh as I smiled thinking of Harmony with her chocolate eyes and her soft brown hair.

"Yeah buddy." Niall said with a smile, "She's also really cool, being able to know sign language and how she deals so well with being deaf."

"And that is why her and Olivia are coming over," Liam said as he glared at Zayn and I, "so you two can make your moves before we have to leave them tomorrow."

"Why you looking at me?" Zayn asked with a raised eyebrow, "I have a plan."

"Oh yeah, what is it?" I asked looking over at Zayn who smirked.

"You'll find out."

"I found it!!!!" I heard the familiar voice of my best friend and roommate as I looked over to see Louis coming in wearing his onesie from when we were in the X-Factor. "I knew I brought it with me." He said rubbing his body as he smiled at us. I grinned at him as I stood up and wrapped my arms around him.

"I was becoming lost without you Lou, I'm glad you're back." 

"Oh Harry I could never leave you! But you're having feelings for another," Louis said with feign hurt as I smiled, "It's that Harmony girl, well I don't blame you, she is adorable."

I laughed lightly as I swung my arm around Louis, "You know no one could replace you Lou." I soon heard a knock at the door as my face brightened at the thought of it being Harmony. Her and Olivia were suppose to come over to our suit tonight for a movie night since we would be leaving tomorrow morning for our tour, and I had yet to still get her number, but it seems like everyone else already had it.

"Harmony texted me and said they're on their way!" Niall said as he appeared from the small kitchen holding a bag of chips. I arched an eyebrow as I looked over wondering then who was at the door. Liam stood up and walked over and looked through the peep hole.

"It's Paul." Liam said as he opened the door to see Paul standing in the doorway, holding what looked to be a newspaper.

"Boys, you've gotten yourself in trouble already." Paul said shaking his head as he walked inside and put the newspaper down on the table, we all immediately walked around and looked at the paper.

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