Going Back To The Jail House

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I woke up to the smell of bacon sizzling. I yawn and stretch like a cat. My hands are still sore but luckily my cuts have stopped bleeding. I stumble out towards the kitchen.

"Mornin' sleeping beauty" Jayden smiles

"Morning prince charming"  I reply

Jayden and I are usually mistaken for a couple, or even Soul-mates. In all reality we are best friends. Or Emo buddies. Not that Jayden isnt hot. He's drop dead gorgeous. But he is waiting for his Soul-mate. I think its a bullshit love story. But thats okay I'm happy to die alone.

"Toast?" Jayden asks breaking my train of thought

"Could ya just bring me the Nutella and a spoon?" I mumble

"Okay but your eating my bacon"


Jayden went and got me my jar of Nutella and some bacon. We ate in a comfortable silence. We occasionally gave eachother meaningfull looks. Jaydens all looked like 'cry on my shoulder'. Mine all said 'Im fine' or 'Just drop it already'.

"Kayden did you-"

"No Jay. I just forgot my gloves again" I say lying through my teeth

"Thank Goddess" he sighs

"When am I going home?" I ask

"You should go soon. Kodey is looling for you"

"Oh yeah? So is the Easter Bunny" I say sarcastically

Jayden laughs and heads off to clean up. Isnt he a good boy? I climb down from the tree house and slowly trudge home. When the Pack House came into view I turned my scent on. Within thirty seconds Mama, Kodey and Papa were outside.

Mama looked relieved to see me. Kodey looked both relieved and worried. But Papa had his usual look on his face. Disgust.

"Kayden I thought I said you were to be confined to your room" Papa said coldly

"Enough David. You will not neglect my daughter" Mama hissed standing infront of me

Jayden popped up behind me and snaked his arms around me. I wiggle closer to him, letting Mama deal with Papa.

'Go to Jaydens room dear. I will deal with your father'  Mama instructed
'Yes Mama'

Jayden and I slipped away and quietly walk into the Pack House. Kodey followed a little way behind.

'Kayden?' Kayla asks
'Yes Wolfie'
'1. Dont call me that. 2. I think Papa hates us' she whimpers
'You dont say?' I snap sarcastically

Once we made it to Jaydens room, I strip off to my bra and panties. Slipping on one of Jaydens shirts suddenly a pair of arms scoop me up and put me into bed. I smile up at my bestfriend and snuggle closer to him. After all schools out.

"Go to sleep kitten" Jayden whispers

"Okay" I mumble almost asleep

Emo + Alpha + Twin + Girl. Oh this has gotta be good!Where stories live. Discover now