Doin The Walk Of Shame

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Authors Note: this chapter is dedecated to sweetsteelergirl. Have fun reading!


Sleeping would have been awesome if I didnt have nightmares. One after the other, never ending. I swear Papa was putting them there. Great. Like I need him inside my head.

I lightly stir  Jaydon. I soon realize that I wont be able to wake him up any time soon. I roll out of bed and pick my clothes up. I stroll out into the hallway. Why do I feel like Im doing the walk of shame?

Lyrics from one of P!NK's songs pop into my head..

'Make the elevator cone a little faster. Im pushing all the buttons but nothings happenin. Please God dont let anybody see me. Please God I'll do anything you ask of me. I promise no more walks of shame. So walk this way!'

I humm the tune as I tiptoe towards my bedroom. Well its actually the attic. If my dad could he would have had my room placed on the moon. Im sure hes thinking about banishing me.

"Kay? Is that you?" Kodey asks half asleep

"You're dreaming" I whisper as convincingly as possible

"Nah Im not" he smiles

"Dammit" I mutter

I push past him and walk up the stairs. I push open my door and stare into my bedroom. Ive fixed it up real nicely. I polished the floor boards, put down a rug (black), hung some curtains (again black) and painted my room a vibrant blue. I even had to

make my own bedd from scratch. It has secrat storage areas that only I know about.

'Are you ignoring me?' Kodey mindlinks

'Thats the idea'

'Yeah Im not going away'

'Fuck you' I snap

I go to my laundry trough and put my clothes in it.  I walk away and click a button hidden from view. My flatscreen suddenly comes out pf the wall.  I switch it on and flop onto my soft bed.

"I thought Dad refused to buy you stuff like this" Kodey mumbles

"He does" I state "I actually work for them"

"He doesnt hate you. You know that right?"

I burst out laughing. Not just a sarcastic laugh. A full out belly laugh. I was howling with laughter. Tears streaming down my face, smudging whatever makeup I had on. Slowly I recover from my laughing fit and look at him seriously.

"Like he has said multiple times. He hates me. But he loves you and mum. My family dont care. So Jaydon and I are a family now" I state somberly

"YOU'RE PREGNANT?!" Kodey growls..

Emo + Alpha + Twin + Girl. Oh this has gotta be good!Where stories live. Discover now