Torture and a little misery.

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Kaydens POV

After I did my nails I had a thought. Maybe I should start eating regularly and healthier? After all I have a person growin inside me. I walked down stairs from my room in the attic. Funny thing, I could change my room and have it on the Alpha floor. But it just doesn't feel right. 

After the stairs I bumped into my future Beta, Joshua. He looked startled but seemed happy that I had finally came down.

"On your way to breakfast Alpha?" Josh says questioningly

"Yeah, then I'm dealing with the traitor.  Wanna get my brother and the future Delta and come along?" I ask

"Sure thing" he says getting a vicious glint in his eyes at the mention of our taitor

"See you there" I say while I walk away

I made it to the kitchen without any further interuptions. Opening the fridge I pull out the vanilla yoghurt and walk to the bench. I grab a bowl,  a spoon, some fruit and a glass of fruit juice. God I feel like I'm on a diet. A baby diet.

After putting the juice and yoghurt away I went to the table and ate in silence. Alone. Since when was there no late eaters? Honestly a Pack of 100 shouldnt be this quiet.  I shrug off the silence and eat my breakfast.

'I miss our Mate'  Kayla whines

'Your Mate'  I correct 'he stopped being my Mate when he betrayed us and our Pack'

'May be he had a reason-'

'To betray the Pack that raised him? The Pack that his own Mate belonged to? The Pack he was supposed to help me lead? I dont think so. He is as cowardly as the Rogues that left him here'  I snarl

I feel Kayla whimper and retreat to the back of my mind. I dont mean to be harsh on her but I'm hurting to. I never one thought he'd ever betray me like that. And he tore my heart out doing so.

'Kodey, Joshua and Felix. Are you guys ready to torture a traitor?'  I mindlink

'Hell yes, Alpha'  they reply

With that I left the kitchen so the Omegas could tidy up. I made my way to the Pack prison. We've rarely used them and Jaydens the only prisoner there. By the time I got there the boys were waiting for me. I give them a nod in acknowledgement and hug my brother.

"When we go in there, anything you hear, any information,act like you already knew. Dont give him the slightest chance to realize we arent aware of a certain obstacle.  Understood? " I all but order

"Understood" they say grimly

Nodding to the guards on duty, they stepped aside and allowed us room to enter the cold prison infront of us. I pat them on the shoulder as I go in, letting them know they're doing a good job.

We walk down the hallway of metal and silver cells, the sound of our footsteps echoing off the walls. We made it to the very last cell where I specifically ordered the guards to put Jayden. I domt know why this cell but it seemed appropriate. We stop at the bars and look in at the pathetic lump of fur. Yes he still hasnt shifted back into his human form. Hes so stubborn.

His normally dark drown fur looks black from the blood thats soaking his fur. And from the smell its a mixture of his own and others from my Pack. So he definitely was helping the Rogues. His eyes are dull and look almost lifeless. I could almost feel myself wanting to cry. His eyes snapped to mine and he let out a pathetic whine.

"Shift" I say using my Alpha tone, flinching a little when he whines again

He does as hes told and shifts back, naked. I look him over, not in a sexual way but in disgust. Hes cover in dirt and blood, his hair is matted and oily. All in all he looked terrible. And I'm about to make him feel terrible.

"So, Jayden. Wanna hear a little secret of mine?" I coo coyly

"What secret, my love?" Jayden rasps

Kodey makes a low gagging noise in his throat. Obviously not enjoying the traitor calling me 'love'. I refrain from smirking and look back at Kodey. He nods and looks away in annoyance.

"Well. You see Jayden, theres this thing that I've been meaning to tell you for a while" I say still avoiding the subject

"Tell me" Jayden almost pleaded shuffling closer to the bars

"I'm pregnant" I say simply

The boys behind me dont make a sound or give any hint that they didnt know this information before now. Just like I asked them to, although I could feel their shock and suprise through the Pack link, that I've blocked Jayden from. Jaydens face looks priceless.

He has so many emotions going through his eyes that I can only interpret a few. Theres happinesss and exitement. Anger and sadness. But one shines out brighter than the rest. Love. He still loves me even though I'm keeping him in a prison cell. He loves my baby that he helped create.

"How long have you known?" He asks dropping his head down to face his lap

"I was going to tell you the day you betrayed us. The day you betrayed me" I say coldly

Its been three weeks since the attack so plus the week I was in heat... Woa I'm one month pregnant.  Holy shit and applesauce. Jayden looks at me and shakes his head.

"Who were those Rogues that you helped attack us?" I ask commadingly

Jayden looks at me blankly. Refusing to aid me in finding the gutless dogs that has hurt my Pack. I growl in frustration and Joshua pulls me back. He looks me in the eyes and some how calms me down.

My Delta John walks up to the bars.

"You will give us our answers, or we will torture you in ways that you hae never imagined" John hisses at Jayden

After regaining my calmness, I walk back over to the bars. I nod at John and look at Jayden.

"Either you give me answers or I start to hurt myself. I'll hurt myself and the baby Jayden. Its up to you" I say calmly

I have no intention to harm my baby, but I know Jayden. Something this serious will take drastic action to get him to talk. When he doesnt talk I sigh and walk to the torture instruments.  I pick up a small silver dagger with an ebony handle. Walking back over to the cell, I tap it on he silver bars. Earning his attention, I start cutting lines into my wrist. Tracing over my faint scars that are already there.

Emo + Alpha + Twin + Girl. Oh this has gotta be good!Where stories live. Discover now