Hatred and betrayal

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Kaydens POV

After my mothers howl echoed around us, I found the strength to lift my head off my fathers bare chest. Im not the only one mourning here. My mother, my brother and my Pack are in pain. This loss will affect us all.

Slowly I push myself up so that I am standing. Wiping away my tears I place my hand on my brothers shoulder.

"Kodey, we have to get up" I barely whisper

"No.. please... I cant.." Kodey says brokenly

"Its.. Its our duty, brother" I say firmly, swalowing the urge to cry

Kodey just nods in defeat and rises to his feet. I nod at him respectively and turn to the closest warrior wolf.

"Get me a stretcher. My father is to be carried to the Pack House" I order

"Yes Alpha" he bows and hurrys off with his Mate to collect the stretcher

A groan is heard from the crumpled mess on the ground where Kodey left it. I honestly forgot my betraying, hurtful, son of a bitch, Mate was even alive. But I remember now, amd he'll pay for the damage he's caused.

"Get the fuck up, Jayden" I growl viciously low in my throat

Jayden groans again and shakily gets to his feet. Before he could even stand straight I punched him hard in the jaw. A delightful crunch was heard by everyone here. While Jayden nursed his broken jaw, I grabbed a fist full of his hair and push his face close to my fathers still body.

"Look at what you did!" I roar

Jayden closes his eyes and shakes his head slightly. Trying desperatly to look away from my father.

"I didnt kill him" he whispers

"YOU ORDERED THE ATTACK! YOU BROUGHT THEM HERE! YOU BETRAYED THE PACK! Now you. WILL. LOOK. AT. WHAT. YOU. DID!"  I scream pushing him to his knees infront of my father.

Jayden snaps his eyes tighter shut. Trying desperatly to get out of my hold. My wolfs claws extendes until they were lightly peircing his skull.

"Open your fucking eyes Jayden, or I swear to the Moon Goddess her self, I'll dig your eyes out with my claws" I snarl inches from his face

His eyes slowly open and his face pales. Ive always known he cant stand the sight of a dead body. And for once he has to look at one.

"Im going to make you suffer. Make you scream. Make you beg for your own death" I spit fiery as the wolves I sent to get the stretcher arrives

'Load him gently. Kodey please gp with them. I need fove warriors to come with me to get this peice of scum into a cell' I say through an open mindlink

'Yes Alpha' I get in return

With one quick motion, I knock Jayden out. This fucker is going to feel the burning anger.

Emo + Alpha + Twin + Girl. Oh this has gotta be good!Where stories live. Discover now