Death, pain and sadness

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Third person POV (its just better)

The Rogue pack crossed the border and began to furiously attack the Alphas. Just as it seemed the Rogues were going to tear shreds off the three pissed off Alpha wolves, all the War wolves arrived. Slowly but surely The Blood Moon Pack began to pick off the Rogues.

Out of the corner of Kaydens heated vision, she notices an injured Jayden trying to slink away. Before she could react, Kodey had him pinned and was growling in his face.

'Dont kill him' Kayden links viciously 'that is my pleasure only'

'Yes sister' Kodey links as he snarls at the pathetic lump of fur that is Jayden

Kodey holds onto Jayden tightly while Kayden, Alpha David and the Pack continue to slaughter Rogues. Suddenly a earth shattering howl is heard and immense pain floods through the Pack bond. Alpha David is injured, and badly.

Kayden rushes to her fathers aid, desperately fighting off wolves to save her father. By the time she had made it to her fathers side, he had lost alot of blood. His body, weakened from loss of blood shifted back to his human form.

The Rogue leader called off his servants and they disappeared, taking their injured with them. The Pack howled together in both victory and sadness.

Kayden shifted back and kneeled over her dying father.

"Dont you dare die on me!" she half pleads

"I'm... Trying... Not... Too..." David spluttered, coughing up blood

"The Pack needs you. Dont die" Kayden says firmly through the tears

"Kayden, I'm sorry. Sorry for not being a good enough father. If I could make it up to you I would.
This should help both me and the Pack with my passing.

I Alpha David Wolfe pass on my position as Alpha to my heiress Kayden Wolfe"   he stopped as a groan of pain over came him
"Do you accept?"

"I Kayden Lee Wolfe accept the position as Alpha" she sobs out

Kodey drags the unconsious body of Jayden over to his father, so that he too could mourn his father turned to him and gave him a sad smile.

"Tell Aiden he has my blessing" he whispers weakly

Kodey could only nod as tears rolled down his tan face in torrents

"Oh and Kayden. Make that son of a bitch pay"

Those were the last words Alpha David Wolfe said before his passing. The heartbroken howl of his Mate could be heard for miles around.

Emo + Alpha + Twin + Girl. Oh this has gotta be good!Where stories live. Discover now