Alpha Meeting

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"No you idiot!" I growl "dumb mutt"

Stamping my foot like baby, I throw myself backwards in a huff. My bed makes a little noise as O fall back onto it. Seriously how can my own twin not understand me?? I switch on The Amazing Spiderman and fluff up my pillows. Im obviously trapped here. Not that Ive ever listenend to my father.

"You'd better go. Fathers awake and looking for you"  I grumble

"Yeah I'd better go" Kodey mumbles to himself

Once I heard my door close I threw myself atmy cupboard. Quickly opening it, I find my secret button. A compartment opened from my wall and my own little treasure was revealed. My mini fridge stocked with food and drink.

"Suck my apples Dad" I mumble grabbing a chocolate bar

Closing the door of my cupboard I rip open the wrapper. Eating it in two bites made me realize how hungry I am.

'Jarrad can you please bring me food?'  I asked my Omega
'Are you sure I sho-'
' Jarrad I will deal with my Father not you'  I assure him

Yes!!! Foods on its way! Happy dance! Hearing a knock at my door I quickly hide my TV. Jarrad isnt that quick, even I know that. I open the door to find my personal black cloud.

"Hey Alpha" I cross my arms "what brings you to my cell?"

"We have a meeting with the council. You need to be present"

"Ugh I'll get dressed"

I slam the door in his face and smile wildly. Quickly I hurry to get dressed. I grab my phone. My mun bought it for me so its an IPhone. The one present Ive ever been bought.

"Get in the car" My father instructed his spawn

"Okay Dad"

"What ever you say Mr Alpha"

As you can tell the last comment was mine. Seriously the only time he can play 'Happy Family' is when we have these meetings. Everyone there judges me for being a girl. AND my archnemisis is there! Colton Summers. That little bastard. Im gonna beat his ass very soon.Hes the very source of my hate-mail.

'Chill chicka we can feel your rage' Kodey links
'Good' I snap back at him

'Pull up Kayden' My father orders
'Alpha I'd apreciate it if you could stay out of my thoughts' I curtly reply
'I will do as I want' he snaps back at me

So to serve him right I did an evil thing. I started to think about periods, make-up, hot guys, naked guys...

I felt him exit my mind and a smirk of triumph covered my face. Mwahahahahahaha! Score One for me!! Im so evil.

*Guess what we forgot* Kayla butts in
*What?* I ask confused
*Jarrad and our food!* she whines

I link Jarrad telling him to leave it on my desk. I will heat it up later. And its wayyy to late for me to go get it. Im already in the car. Ugh Im gonna catch some Z's.

*****TIME LASP******

Kodey woke me up once we made it to the Council gates. Seriously it felt like I only slept for ten minutes! To my utter dismay my Father asked Colton to escort me inside. I have a habbit of running off.. Long story. Kodey keeps smirking at me and its really pissing me off. To top it all off Colton is breathing in my ear!!

"Colton sweety?" I ask sickly sweet

"Yes sugarbunch?" he 'tries' to purr

"Remove yourself from my personal space or I will remove your testicles!" I growl threateningly

"Woah! No need to be snippy!" he mutters

I need to calm down. The Council hates it when there is tension. But Im no-where near calm. Walking past Colton I punch him in the balls. And like all the male species, he drops like a sack of potatoes.

"And thats what I call a box tap" I give him my most dazzling smile

Every other soon-to-be Alpha start to laugh. There we go, tensions all gone. I get high fives from everyone (excluding Colton or my father) I smile. These are my people. I go sit with Alpha Brett and Luna Elsa. They are my favorite Alpha/Luna couple.

"Heard you burnt down your school, you little pyro" Brett says mischieviously

"Haha how did you find out?" I ask

"It was in the SuperNaturals paper" he shrugs

"Oh my carrots! Im famous!" I do my best girly squeak.

I earn myself a few chuckles. Booya! I smirk at Colton and he mutters something under his breath.

"Wait whag was that?" I ask interested

"I said; I cant wait till you see where mates. Then you will know what a man is." He repeats himslef


"I have the biggest dick you will ever see" he smirks

"Sorry Colton but it doesnt count if more than half of it is your personality" I say back casually

Coltons dad runs over and hugs me. I laugh and hug Mr Summers back. Hes not the bad one. Just his jerk ass of a son. The laughter in the room died dowm as the Council members entered the meeting hall.

Emo + Alpha + Twin + Girl. Oh this has gotta be good!Where stories live. Discover now