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A group of cheetahs walk into the night they were being lead by a She~cheetah they saw her stop

She~cheetah: Vina what's wrong

Vina: shhh whisper Heather I sence something

Heather whisperer: could it be Kingdom cheetahs

Vina shook her head she closed her eyes she heard a whispered: Follow the dark path in the sky and you find what you are looking for

Vina opened her eyes and said: come where close

Heather nodded she jerk her muzzle so the others followed

Heather saw Sol he was walking up to his mother and whispered in her ear Vina whispered back the Sol fell in the back

Vina look at the sky she could see the moon coming down her kingdom must be tired but they have to they have to she could hear Apollo also her mate dead now she leader of the rouge kingdom Blood kingdom its now called and she remembered Nia her birth daughter she a fool siding with them but is she yes she is but I will miss her but now I hear my mate and this cheetah called the Dark lord of the kingdom helping me maybe he shares the same as I do hating the ones that hurt me

Vina looks up and saw a black cloud she smiled it had a wet trees and it looks like its rain all the time

Vina heard the voice and it said: go in their rest and clam it

Vina talk in her head and said: who are you

Vina heard it said: Hirico my name is Hirico your dark lord of the kingdoms

Vina: I thank you

Heather: Huh

Vina turn around and said: oh I said thank you because I found a place were we can stay

Heather: really I will tell the group Ski is very tired and our littleones

Vina: will make a nest for her soon and the little ones

Heather: thank you Vina and thank you for letting us stay with you and this kingdom I wouldn't know what will happen if I stayed with out Ski

Vina look at Ski her bottom jaw was broken and that what bilinda did with a new name called Broken but when she was banished she let them come with both of them and she was going to have Ni or Nia like she told her but she thought she was gone but she wasn't and she wanted nothing to do with her she remembered those eyes amber like hers but with tears why is it my fault

Vina: Heather

Heather: hmm yes Vina

Vina was about to talk about her cub Nia but she change it and said: your welcome Heather I'm happy for you and Ski you two are happy as mates you raised nice cubs

Heather: thank you

Vina saw Heather went to her mate she smiled she took a walk and saw a stream she was in the shadows she lean down and took a drink then she felt something she turn around and saw a black cheetah he stared at her

Vina growled and said who are you

The black cheetah was a grown tom he walk around some trees and said: you been listening well so well anent well I hear your not following much of my orders Vina

Vina took a step back and said: you must be Hirico

Vina saw him disappeared and saw him on a branch with a grin and said: the one and only congestion congrats congrats

Vina: ah thank you

Hirico smiles and says: oh dear I heard that you are having some problems

Vina: you mean Kingdom yes I am

Hirico: well so do I and you well cand help me with it hmmm

Vina: anything but why you need mine

Hirico: oh a cub did one little thing to me see

Vina gasp in shock on Hirico left paw was a metal claw like hook

Hirico smiled and growls: little oh Marina did this to me

Vina: that so terrible

Hirico: yes but maybe you can break her heart by killing the thing that was a part from her

Vina smiled: she does care about her family

Hirico smiled: and your kingdom closer to a kingdom called sabortooth kingdom

Vina: I will do as you please

Hirico: good but also Vina if you need me make a fire and call me

Vina closed her eyes and heard a loud noise that made her ears ring she shook her head seeing the branch with back far and it fell down and it turn into ashes she smiled

Vina: Marina *evil grin* Darling * evil laugh

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