Autumn and Adikius

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Autumn was hunting with her mentor, the deputy of Sabortooth kingdom Thorn with Riley and Fali she sniffed the air air smelling the crispy leaves of No~leafs coming and they need food she never seen the white things one the ground in the nursery Fallow told her its called snow its really soft and also cold and slippery I think I'll like that but if it will be really cold

Thorn: stop

Riley: is their something wrong...

Thorn: shhh listen

Autumn crook her ears nothing silence

Fali: I don't hear anything

Thorn: that just it no impala or birds

Rilley: then what does that mean

Thorn narrow his eyes and scan the forest and said: if no sound of birds something is making them quite were being watch

Autumn: could it be some rouges like Growler

Thorn: that what I'm thinking Fali I want you to go back to the Kingdom and tell Dapple this

Fali nodded her head and left towards the Kingdom

Autumn heard and saw brushes moving and the sound of pawsteps

Autumn: their I'm on it

Autumn ran and ignoring Thorns yowls she ran she saw fur hare as she saw up close she lick her lips and ran it was close to a river perfect way to catch it but she saw a cheetah a tom she yowled Hawk Hare but she saw it wasn't Hawk but a Tom~cheetah but slightly her age she saw the cheetah saw the hare he didn't raise a paw he just ran into the bushes were it was less sun light on them the hare ran past hi area and got away

Autumn growled angry she lost the Hare by this cheetah

Autumn: come out here

Tom~cheetah shivering with the bushes: um nah j~just leave and I'll be on my way yeah

Autumn growled: come out now or I'll force you

The Tom~cheetah slowly got up and said: um ah hi

Autumn: why did you ran from a rabbit and who are you

Tom~cheetah: my name is Adickius and what's a Rabbit

Autumn: um that creature you made me loose that's what it is

Adickius: oh I'm sorry its just I never see a rabbit in the light mostly

Autumn talking in her head: what is he talking about not seeing the sun

Adickius: that mite sounded weird I live in the woods were no sun show's I make it up to you here

Autumn saw Adickius went to a bush he dip his head and in his mouth was two dark rabbits he put them down and said here

Autumn: I can't take s food from you its wrong

Adickius: it OK you need to feed your kingdom I have some food for me

Thorn: Autumn were are you

Autumn heard her mentor he sounded mad

Adickius: I have to go

Autumn: yes go before they find you if you want your pelt shredded

Adickius: but will see it each other again right

Autumn: maybe now go

Adickius nodded his head then went into the bushes and ran away

Thorn: Autumn were are you

Autumn pick up the rabbits and yowled: over here

Thorn, Riley, and Fali walk

Thorn narrow his eyes and said: why did you ran off you were surpossed to listen to me and...

Thorn saw the two dark rabbits in her mouth

Thorn look shock he then said: you got prey

Autumn put the rabbit down and said: the other one was to quick but I scent other ones it was hard to see them in the bushes

Thorn nodded his head then said:  Rilliy you go to the otherside and Fali you can go to the Kingdom with Autumn

Fali: yes Thorn

Autumn: and you Thorn

Thorn: I'll be with Rilliy don't worry

Autumn watch her mentor and Rilliy walk away she a Fali went towards the Kingdom but something in Autumn mind wonder who was this adikius is he a good or bad cheetah her pelt prickle feeling she will be seeing him maybe sooner

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