Autumn meets a spirit

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A young She~cheetah apprentice was sleeping in her bedding

Flair: hey sis wake up

The young She~cheetah apprentice felt something land on top of her seeing it was her brother she groaned and said: Flair what are you doing g I was sleeping

Flair: oh  sorry sis but come on wake up Autumn Aron showing battle moves with Hawk

Autumn narrow her eyes and said: oh great tell me something else that isn't about Hawk

Flair: oh come on sis he not that bad maybe he likes you

Autumn: try me

Flair: alright alright but come on we don't want to be late

Autumn saw her litter mate walks away happy Autumn groaned and said: ugh yeah let's go with Hawk always their ugh

Autumn walks she sit down and saw Blossom and Flair

Autumn: were the boys

Flair: late as usual what do you think toms will do

Dust: were coming

Autumn saw Dust and Hawk she look away and narrow eyes

Hawk: Hey sis,Flair, Autumn

Autumn heard Hawk voice sounded like a growl like grumble she looks at him and said: hi Hawk

Hawk turn his head to Dust and said: so were are we going

Dust: duh were the White~apes have those delisues White~apes food

Hawk fur bristled and said: really the White~apes food area

Dust: yup and I love them mmmhm

Hawk: I don't know

Autumn couldn't help but chuckle and said: why you scared of some White~apes

Hawk glares at Autumn she bristled he wouldn't dare attack her

Hawk: no I'm just thinks its buzzerd~brained idea what if they see us

Dust: it will be quick and clean nothing will happened

Autumn: well I'm in

Flair and Blossom nodded their heads

Dust: well Hawk what do you think

Hawk sighed and said: fine but if everything happens we are out got it

Autumn: oh sure were the ones well you see

Autumn walks with her sister she saw Hawk was behind them he saw her and he stick his tongue out for a second

Autumn rolled her eyes she was just watching were Dust was taking them

Dust sniffed the air and said: I smell it and boy it smells great

Hawk: I'll keep watch

Dust shrugged and said: alright will be back soon

Autumn: maybe will bring you something

Autumn followed the rest she saw a flap

Dust: in their come on let's go

Autumn and the others went into the flap she and the rest walk slowly in she never felt so unnatural on the floor it was so smooth and cold

Dust lick his lips and said: this will be perfect now let's grab it

Autumn smelled the food but she also smelled something but she didn't know what it is

Dust: watch out

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