The News

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Autumn felt tired she look around she then remembered these trees

Thorn: were nearly home everyone 

Autumn felt relived that they will be home sooner

Sol: so this Kingdom of yours what is it like

Vina: Sol remember your manners

Sol: yes sorry mother

Thorn: its alright we hunt for our kingdoms for our cubs and elders and train fighting moves

Sol: huh never heard of that what about you mother you were a...

Autumn saw Vina gave Sol a look she thought that was told him never to speak until she said so

Sol: you were around 

Thorn: hmm i guess you knew were they live

Vina: sometimes but i only stay around a little bit not much and its been a while

Thorn nodded his head then stop and sniff the air 

Flair: Thorn what is it

Thorn: i smell blood and White~Ape Stale food

Hawk: its coming from the kingdom lets go

Autumn ran with the others she felt nervous she saw the bramble den and she saw scatters of White ape stale food around the camp

Thorn sniff the air and said: Honey badgers they were here

Vina: they were after these scraps and i think when they saw your guards they were compilation

Hawk: and how do you know 

Vina look at Hawk and said: i know more then a Apprentice 

Hawk bristled his fur angry and snarled

Thorn step in front of them and said: enough will talk about this later but right now we need to check on the kingdom

Hawk narrow his eyes and said alright

Vina still narrow her eyes but nodded her head

Thorn: come on 

Autumn was next to Sol she felt a little uncomfortable next to him she moved threw the lose brambles and saw the kingdom it was tainted with blood around the rocks

Thorn: Dapple, Cherry, Song, anyone

Dapple: were here 

Autumn saw Dapple and Song come out of the leaders den 

Thorn: what happened

Dapple tilted her head said: Honey badgers they came and attacked we killed some of them but our guards did got hurt badly

Hawk: hows my mother

Song: bad cuts and buries and she twerk her hind leg but she alright 

Thorn: we tried to find the other kingdom but we failed

Dapple look at Sol and Heather and said: and who are they

Adikus: Sol, Heather your here

Autumn saw Adikus nuzzled Heather and Sol then he went to Vina

Vina: Sol my other son and Heather a Cheetah she was traveling with 

Dapple: i see well then welcome you can stay in the guest den 

Sol nodded his head and Heather gave a tilted nod 

Dapple: Thorn bring Autumn and Hawk towards the other side of the Warriors den and Flair you can rest up here for now 

Flair nodded his head and went up the stone way to the leaders den

Dapple and Song went with Thorn, Hawk and Autumn toward the corner of the warriors den

Dapple: tell me everything

Thorn: we went to a trail we had to stop but Honey badgers attackus we had to leave

Dapple: and what are Aron and Billy doing hunting they should be here also

Autumn felt her heart ached she remember the fighting and her fathers death 

Thorn: their been some complication 

Dapple: what do you mean wheres Billy and Aron

Dapple look at Autumn and said: Autumn

Autumn hang her head and said: Billy and my father never made it their was to many

Dapple sat down and said: oh no 

Autumn felt Dapple pain she lost her father her idol now he's gone 

Dapple sighed: will morn them later now we need to tell you Song gotten a vison

Song: we have to leave and join the other kingdoms and quick if we don't a darkness will come and destroy us

Autumn: but what kingdom we should look

Song: the Sabortooth kingdom and i know who i can contact 

Dapple: are you sure its a good plan

Song: she will help us even far away 

Dapple: alright then i guess it will have to do

Song look at Autumn and said: i think its best that Autumn also may come with me for this 

Dapple blink her eyes and said: if it will help then yes

Autumn: alright what do i need to do

Song: you need to do what she taught me


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