the Prophecy awokens

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Autumn was sleeping she then heard pawsteps she open her eyes and saw her father with a peace of bark in his mouth he began walking towards his den she got up and silently walk towards him she heard him lay down she crouch down and saw the bark but not her father

Aron: just like your mother always sneaking on someone

Autumn jumped and turn around she saw her father he had a smile on his face 

Autumn felt guilty and said: sorry i was just curious

Aron smiled and said: come i'll show you want it is 

Autumn felt joy she walk towards her father and he sat down she lay next to her  father and saw the Bark it had writing on it 

Autumn: who writing you

Aron: someone i knew a long time

Autumn look at the writing the end was with a M she wonder what that meant is it a name or a part of something 

Aron: we write each other of how we are doing in each other kingdom 

Autumn: is she special

Aron smiled and said: she very special if you knew her she would love to know how you do 

Autumn smiled and look at the bark was it something that would help maybe its a sign or omen

Aron: in the bark she told me that in her kingdom she told me She a Aunt of one of her cousins is her Apprentice her other Sister is also is having cubs and their your cousin 

Autumn: really wow

Aron: someday maybe you will meet her 

Autumn: really

Aron: yes but she is very far away and she your....

a Yowl broke threw the sunrise louder then ever 

Aron stood up and said: that's Song something up come on lets go

Autumn followed her father down the slop and she saw everyone walking towards Song. Dapple and Thorn walk towards Song

Dapple: Song whats the matter

Song turn to Dapple and said: i had a Vision

Autumn heard everyone talking to each other she walk were she could get a better look

Thorn: what did you saw

Song: i saw a cheetah complete black but then he disappeared I then saw a rock it was a shape of a tooth a very long tooth

Flair: what could it mean

Autumn was wondering also

Dapple: do you know what it could mean Song

Song: i think its mean we have to return to were the sabortooth kingdom 

Autumn was in shock the Sabortoth kingdom but that's were she heard the She~Cheetah came and saved this kingdom she thought it was a old king Tale

Thorn: the Sabortooth kingdom

Song: yes we need to leave

Dapple: but we don't know were the kingdom is or what land

Vina: i do

Autumn and the other Cheetahs look and saw Vina laying on a rock looking at the group of cheetahs with Song

Thorn: You know were the Kingdom are 

Vina: me and my son always go their when we travel around we past it a last twelve moons

Thorn look at Dapple and said: should we believe her 

Autumn look at Dapple it was her choice 

Dapple look at Thorn and said: we have no choice 

Dapple look at Vina and said: will you help us find the kingdom

Vina Smiled and said: I gladly help you but it is very dangerous and i mean dangerous

Thorn: we know our defenses

Vina stood up and said: well i'm going to bed and you should pick your guards wise because the journey going to be very very troubling

 Autumn felt her pelt prickled she saw Vina walk towards the guest den she felt her father nearby her she looks up and said: do you trust her

Aron: i don't know Autumn she seems she do the right thing but we could be into some trouble but maybe not 

Thorn: Aron, Autumn good news your going be on the journey with Billy,Flair Hawk and Sprint

Aron smile great will be ready for tomarrow

Thorn nodded his head and turn and left 

Aron smiled and said: we get some sleep until we go for the journey ok

Autumn nodded her head she saw her father walk away then she remember something

Autumn: dad wait can i ask you something

Aron: Sure what is it

Autumn: did you know mom from the kingdom she was in

Aron smiled and said: yes i knew you mother but she was special very special

Autumn smiled then said: do you ever think i meet her

Aron stop walking and said: i don't know *looks at Autumn* listen Autumn if Anything happens to me i want you to be strong alright

Autumn was confused but she nodded her head

Aron smiled: that's my girl  good night 

Autumn: good night daddy 

Autumn watch her father left she turn her head but stop she saw Vina watch her father walk then she lay her head down

Autumn felt something was wrong with Vina here her pelt prickled but she stood up and left towards the aprentice den 

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