the unknown Cheetah

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Autumn was next to Hawk she felt sad for him she really did his brother gone her father told her about her siblings that died she wonder if her mother died from giving birth she blink her eyes and look outside stars twinkled she wonder if her mother was watching her then she lower gaze and saw amber eyes in the brambles she then saw them disappeared she felt to tired to go fine out and find who it wad so she lay back down and sleep

Few hours ago

Autumn was with Hawk sisters, Blossom and Whisp

Autumn yawn: hi girls whats up

Whisp: we scented so strange scents Thorn wants us on patrol while Hawk and Flair are on  hunting patrol

Autumn: great when do we leave

Aron: well what about now

Autumn saw her father, Aron and Tulip walking towards them

Autumn smiled: great 

Autumn followed the group she took a sidelong glance and saw Thorn with Hawk, Flair and Cherry she saw Hawk also gave her a glance but he walk away she ignored it and walk away with her group

when they were doing their scent marks she walk to some goldenleafs she scented a cheetah different scent from the rest of her group 

Autumn: hey Aron i smell some cheetah and its not ours

Aron padded to Autumn and sniff the air: your right and i don't like their smell good job Autumn

Autumn purred and smiled at her father

Tulip: we also found some scent also but it smells like jackals 

Aron: hmm a strange scent and Jackals i don't like the sound of that 

Blossom: why would Jackals followed the strange scent 

Aron: Jackals know every type of trick in their mind but now i think we should split up me and Autumn will follow the strange Scent you can follow the Jackal scent

Tulip: may the great kings and queens guide you

Aron nodded his head then he and Autumn walk scenting any sign of that strange scent 

Autumn: i hope nothing bad goes on 

Aron: i hope not either Autumn

Autumn stop and said: Dad

Aron stop and said: is everything alright Autumn

Autumn was about to answer but then stop she heard yelling and paws thumping on the ground

Aron: its coming from the west we could...

Adicikius: Help please... help

Autumn recognize the voice it was Adikius 

the bushes rustled and Adicikius came out and tumbled right in front of Aron

Aron: who are you

Adicikius: please my mother she hurt Jackals when after her and she was taking a drink please  help

Aron look at Adicikius and then said: take us to her now

Adicikius nodded then got up and ran 

Autumn followed Aron and Adicikius she heard snarling and growls coming nearby she then saw the river it was bright red with blood four or six Jackals lay died on the stone and water she then saw a grown She~cheetah she had her right eye closed a gash of bloods tickled down and she had a nasty bite on her leg then she saw Seven or six more Jackals walk out snarling 

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