Aron and Billy's deaths

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Autumn watch Vina stretch out and then sat down 

Thorn: alright Vina you take us to the Sabortooth kingdom and i don't want any funny business

Vina turn her head and said: don;t worried Thorn i going to bring you the way we went 

Thorn: good now you lead

Vina stood up and then walk with Thorn 

Autumn saw her father stood next to her she felt safe then she saw Hawk

Autumn: this is good news finding the kingdoms 

Hawk look at her and said: yeah whatever 

Autumn felt anger rise in her fur then she said: you i'll just go to over their 

Hawk shrug his shoulders

Autumn growled: fine be a old honey badger 

Autumn turn and walk away she was glaring at Hawk he turn and walk away she bump into someone it was Adikius

Autumn: oh hey Adikius  whats up

Adikius: just telling you i hope you find the Kingdoms and goodluck

Autumn smiled: thanks Adikius  will need it 

Vina: Adiki 

Autumn saw Vina she was walking towards her son

Adikius: yes mother

Vina: i want you to help these cheetahs when i'm gone alright 

Adikius: yes mother i promise 

Vina: good now go along now 

Autumn saw Adikius bowed to her then said bye 

Vina: my son has a heart for you hmmm

Autumn: were friend that's all

Vina nodded her head and said: are you ready

Autumn: yes and so is my father

Vina: your father

Autumn: over their next to Billy

Vina nodded her head and said: i see and whose Billy

Autumn: he's Dapple mate i knew him when i was born

Vina smiled: i see thank you 

Autumn saw Vina walk away she felt sadden she felt like a mother to her but she did feel something strange in her gut 

Thorn: alright everyone i want to let you know Vina going to show us they way to the Sabortooth kingdom we must follow her rules and i don't want any other questioning 

Autumn and the others nodded their heads 

Thorn look at Vina and Said: you may lead the way 

Vina smiled: very well lets go 

Autumn and the others followed Vina Autumn was close to her father he looks down and wink and she smiled

Four Hours later

Autumn felt hungry she wish she grab a rabbit of harraik 

Flair: hey we stop and eat 

Thorn: you should have grab something from the pile

Flair: i did but i'm hungry now 

Aron: Flair right we went to far we need a rest

Thorn twitch he's whiskers and then said: Vina we need some rest 

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