the Vision

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Autumn groaned she had grab lots of herbs she needed for Song she wished she was with Hawk he finally got his guard name and so did she but now she helping Song

Song: good were nearly done soon will make contacted with her

Autumn: who is she

Song: she was my mentor when you were born she had to leave and save her kingdom 

Autumn: what was her name 

Song: Marina was her named you who have loved to meet her 

Autumn thought of something then gasp

Song: what is it

Autumn: i remembered something i'll be right back

Autumn went out of the medicine den she saw Heather laying in the sun while Sol grabbed two hyrax and walk toward Heather she look away then she saw her father hiding place she saw a cave she went inside she saw a pile of letters she walk towards one and saw something that got her attention she look down and saw the She~Cheetahs writing she read

She~Cheetah: Aron i miss you so much and our daughter i always remember her when i lay eyes on her please tell me how she is i'll always remember you and our daughter love Marina

Autumn  took a step back and then blink her eyes:  Marina had a cub but who's the cub 

Autumn grabbed the letter then walk back towards Song den she saw Sol watching her she ignore him and walk inside the den 

Song: what is that 

Autumn: its a letter that my father was reading i found it he had a pile of them

Song: i see well sat it down over their

Autumn sat the wood down then said: Song did Marina had any cubs that she had to leave

Song look at Autumn and said: now not the time the sun going down we need to rest 

Autumn felt something Song not telling her but she nodded her head and went to the bedding that she put for her and Song then lay down and close her eyes

Autumn open her eyes she saw four cheetahs two look blind the others had amber eyes

Song: we can only stay for a little while come we have to be quick 

Autumn: Alright 

Autumn and Song walk towards the Cheetahs 

Jake: who are they

Autumn was surprised when they group of Cheetahs look at her and Song

Song: Marina we need to speak with you

Autumn saw a She~Cheetah walk up to Song and said: how did you came here in the great kings and queens 

Song: some stuff i learned but now not the time we need your help

Marina was about to answer then she saw Autumn: whose this

Autumn: my name Autumn you knew my father Aron

Marina: oh i see how is he 

Autumn: he died honey badger attack when we try to fine you

Marina: I~I see * looks at Song and said* Song what the problem

Song: we had a vision we saw darkness and we have to find you 

Marina: wait Darkness 

Song: yes do you know it

Marina: yes the Darkness is a power that trying to destroy us and their a other cheetah with him

Autumn: maybe Vina knows what to do

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2018 ⏰

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