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Finals Day



"Holy shit we did it!" Steph yelled as we stood up and cheered.
I hugged her and screamed with her.
"YES WOOO!" We all screamed.
Shawn and Ollie looked up at us and smiled.
Fuck yeah we made it, we really made it.
(end of flashback)

When I got home last night everything was quiet. The servants were no where to be found and my mother was probably hiding from her disgrace of a daughter. Today was the finals and my aunt along with Shawn's mom and Steph would be here soon to get me. I sighed and took a deep breath making my way to my room. On the way I passed my parents room. For a second I thought of checking in on my mother but my mind told me to just leave her alone. I walked in silence the rest of the way to my room and got ready. Today was a day where I wished my mother could have helped me with my hair. I wished she was next to me singing along to the stupid American music playing off my phone. She would have tried to sing along but failed completely. I stopped brushing my hair and looked down. A tear fell from my eye, did I ruin my relationship with my mother forever? I looked up in the mirror and sighed again. I put my hair up with a headband and went to wait by the front gate.
"Alyssa," I heard someone call on my way down the stairs.
I looked back to see Becka.
"Hey," I said back to her.
She made her way down the stairs and sat on one. She motioned me to sit.
"I have known you your whole life and of anything I know it's that, that smile you wear right now is fake," she said.
I stayed silent and looked down.
"I know you feel guilty about yesterday but you did the right thing." She said.
I looked up shocked.
"What?" I asked.
"Your father wrote the note the day he planned to leave and gave it to me. He told me to put it in a place you would need it most." she told me.
"You knew I'd talk to him," I said still in shock.
She nodded and smiled.
"His words seemed to help you in a time of need, maybe they could help someone else in need right now as well."
And with that she got up and descended the rest of the stairs.

I sat there for a bit longer thinking about what she said. I finally got the message and ran back up the stairs to my room. From under my pillow I grabbed my father's last words and made my way to the person who needed them most. I stood in front of the door for what felt like forever. Finally with a swift knock the door opened. I stood back for a moment before pushing the door open and slipping inside. From the doorway I could see my mom laying on the bed with books all around her. I walked closer and saw she was asleep. All around her I saw pictures of my dad and her from their teen years. The Canadian flag hung proudly behind most of them. As I picked up one of the books I realized most of these pictures were from hockey games.
"Your father and I met at a hockey game in Toronto."
I jumped a bit and looked at my mother. Dry, black mascara stained tears ran down her cheeks.
"You-You never told that," I said a bit taken back by her appearance.
She didn't say anything so I took a deep breath.
"You don't have to say anything mom, I know I made you look bad in front of everyone and I know it was wrong at the time but I don't regret it. I love Shawn mom. I love him more than anything in this entire world and if you and dad have shown anything it's that you don't give up on love. I hope one day you can meet him and love him as much as I do. I know he's not a royal mom, but neither were you and dad gave you a chance." I told her.
She still looked down at the picture with no words.
I sucked in another breath and continued,
"So I'm going to go to the finals now and I wish you were coming, but I understand." I placed the letter at the edge of the bed and started to walk away.
"Dad always knew what to do, so I thought you'd maybe want to see why I did what I needed to do."
I finally walked out the door with a deep breath and made my way to the front gate.

"Holy crap you live there," Steph said as we pulled away.
I laughed a bit.
"Yeah," I said smiling at her.
"Wow." Is all she could say.
I looked out the window as I saw the black cars pull out with us.
"I don't think I'll get use to black cars following us for a good purpose," My aunt said laughing.
"Weird right?" I asked laughing.
A moment of silence went by.
"How's your mom?" Shawn's mom asked.
I hesitated for a moment.
"She's not really okay, ever since my dad went missing- I mean every since my father died she doesn't really know how to run the kingdom by herself. So yeah I mean what I did was just more of something she had to deal with alone I guess." I said.
The silence rolled around again as no one knew what to say. I looked down at my jersey and smiled at Mendes in bold letters.
"But hey lets go win that game."

It was weird having so many people watch you just because of who you are. My whole life I had to get used to being watched by everyone, but right now I just wanted to be unseen. Everyone knew what I did at the wedding and they knew who I was bursting into the last game confessing my love to a non-royal. My bodyguard didn't really help me blend in. I sat with my Aunt, Karen, and Steph in the front row. Perks of being royal I guess..? The music blared around us as the teams rushed out.

Hungary first, Canada second.
As the Hungary anthem played I stood while everyone else sat. Being the Princess of the country the teams we're playing in it was only respectful, but God did I wish I could have taken that anthem and shoved it up their asses.


"Okay boys listen up," I yelled as the boys gathered.
"I know this trip hasn't really been exactly what we hoped for but this is it. This is what we have worked our asses off for since we were in the little leagues. No matter what happens out there I want you all to know we are brothers. Brothers stick together. Now let's not only do this one for us, let's go get this one for Canada."


I forgot how long it took for the teams to get their shit together. Warming up to the anthems to pep talking. Man did it take forever. My leg shook up and down trying to to calm myself down. I was anxious for the game but also for my mother who was at home alone.
"Hey it's gonna be okay," Steph said as he rested her hand on my shaking knee.
I nodded and smiled.
As the buzzer rang to signal the start of the game Shawn looked at my and raised his hand in the air.
"I love you," he mouthed.
I smiled and bit my lip. He got in ready position as the game started. The puck was hit and they were at it.
"Did I miss anything?" I heard from next to me.
I glanced over and saw my mother.
"Mom?" I asked.
She looked at me and smiled.
"Oh come on I couldn't miss the biggest hockey game of the year. I'm a sucker for hockey." She said smiling.
She wore a jersey and jeans.
"Wow." was all I could say.
"So which one is Shawn?" She asked.
I smiled and pointed him out.
"Cute and the Captain? Nice." She said smiling at me.
I hugged her.
"I love you mom," I whispered.
"Oh my dear, I could never stop loving you," Is all she said before she ran to give her sister and Shawn's mom a hug.

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