Chapter 1

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Author-chan: time to start the story ok nagisa your up first

Nagisa: what why am I up first?

Author-chan: because that's just easier

Nagisa: fineeee. But when is karma-kun going to come into the story?

Author-chan: oh, and why might you want to know? Huh?huh?

Nagisa: reason! o///////o

Author-chan: heheheh right. Ok to the story now


Nagisa's pov

Darkness all I see is darkness, darkness all around not a even a bit of light could sneak there way through the darkness. nightmares surround my thoughts, not even a single bit of hope was left.

Things couldn't get any worse.

I spoke to soon.
I woke up to my hell of a life from the sound of my alarm clock ringing


It was 12:55 pm

"Grrrrrr" I groaned turning off the alarm.
"I guess I have to get up now. Grrrr"
I said heading to the bathroom to quickly get changed
I put on a white t-shirt with an blue "N" on it and black Jeans.
it was summer break so i could wear what ever I wanted. Or so I  thought.

"NAGISA WHAT ARE YOU WEARING" yelled Shiota Hiromi

I jumped a little when I heard my mom yell at me.
"O..oh ammm" I said nervously not really knowing what to say.

"Nagisa dear that's no way for a
lady to dress!"said Hiromi in an angry tone.
"For the last time mom I am not a girl, I'm a boy!" I said frustrated

"Excuse me young lady, you are a girl. And what gives you the right to speak to me that way, I am your Mother! And after all that I have done for you, THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME! YOU UNGRATEFUL GOOD FOR NOTHING SNOTTY LITTLE BRAT!" yelled Hiromi angrily
While pulling on nagisa's pigtails and smashed nagisa's head against the wall before yelling again

"Now when I get back you better have your nice blue dress on you little brat" Hiromi said as she left the room.
Nagisa started crying from the pain
'Why does this always happen, she's right I am a good for nothing brat.I'm just a nobody no wonder mom hates me. I'm not even smart that's probably why I got sent to  3-E-class.' I thought

"NAGISA WHY ARE YOU NOT IN YOUR DRESS!!" Yelled Hiromi really Pissed off that nagisa is disobeying her command.

"I..I " was all I could say. 'I was completely lost in thought that I forgot that I was supposed to put the dress on,oh no this is bad.'

"Apparently you need to be shown a lesson" Hiromi smiled evilly

'Oh no this isn't good ' nagisa thought

"W..what a..are going to to"  I asked trembling in fear

"Oh I'm just going to show you what happens when you disobey me" said Hiromi with a smile

"Now stay here ok " said Hiromi walking out of the room and in to the kitchen

'Oh no I better get out of here quick' I thought but it was to late

"Oooh nagisa I'm back " Hiromi called, holding a knife in her hands

I looked at her, terrified of what she will do next.

She swung the knife and almost hit me, she swung again and I dogged her attack. She swung one more time and hit the metal on my bed and the knife got stuck, when she tried to get it out it broke

"Oh great. Now I have to get a new knife."Hiromi said sadly

"Now you stay here young lady" said Hiromi angrily

Nagisa didn't waste a second to get out of there. He took the opportunity to run away.
Once he got out safely he heard his mom scream

I ran and ran until I thought that I was far enough away from my apartment, and sat down on a bench, in a park a few miles away from the apartment.
Then a redhead guy came walking over to me

And that's when everything changed...


Nagisa: wait why did my mom try to kill me??

Author-chan: because she's a psycho

Nagisa: ...

Author-chan: don't worry you won't die

Nagisa: good because the readers would probably kill you for that Author-chan

Author-chan: ya your probably right. Well onto the next chapter

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